Phoenix’s $ 25 million Dementia Campus to provide services and training
A $ 25 million campus created to serve fast-growing Arizona people with various forms of dementia has been partially opened on 3.2 acres in Phoenix.
When fully opened, the non-profit Hospice of the Valley-run “Dementia Care and Education Campus” will function as a one-stop shop for dementia support, hospice officials say.
The campus is located on 44th Avenue, just south of Indian School Road.
Dementia is the sole focus of the campus, which, coupled with the wide range of services it offers, highlights the project, said Kinsey McManus of the Southwestern Desert Branch, Program Director of the Alzheimer’s Association. According to McManus, the Hospice of the Valley continues to provide information about the campus to the Alzheimer’s Association.
“This certainly sets a precedent for progress in dementia care,” she said.
The campus is a place where the general public has access to dementia care resources and training, and is an opportunity for people with dementia to interact with adult day clubs, “memory cafes” and toddlers.
“Having a day program to interact with school kids is really unique by itself,” McManus said. “We are also really excited about the training center … they are already doing some training for first responders.”
Linsou Flood, Director of Community Engagement at the Hospice of the Valley, said the Education Center is one of the programs run by the campus. She described the Education Center as the “hub” of the campus. We provide free training in dementia care to both health professionals and the general public.
Dr. Gillian Hamilton, a hospice of Valley Medical Director, believes that the campus may be the first kind in the country at a level focused on educating people about dementia care. He said he was.
“We are really about to enter a care crisis in the next few years.”
Arizona has the highest growth rate of dementia cases across the country, McManus said. According to the Alzheimer’s Disease Association, the number of people living in Arizona with Alzheimer’s disease alone is expected to reach 200,000 by 2025. Report..
According to 2019, about 18.2% of Arizona’s population, or 1.3 million, is 65 or older, compared to an average of 16.5% in the United States. analysis From the Kaiser Family Foundation. Arizona is also a destination for winter visitors, many of whom are retired over the age of 65.
“To meet current demand, the provider community is already out of pace, and we’re really about to enter a care crisis in the coming years.”
That’s why it’s important to increase the number of professionally trained medical professionals in dementia care, McManus said.
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Hamilton, the creator of the campus idea, said he got the idea because the Hospice of the Valley was trying to educate medical professionals on how to care for people with dementia. The only place they had to do was an inpatient hospice facility for dementia patients caring for patients with advanced stages of dementia. Hamilton realized that he needed a place where medical professionals could be trained to care for people at all stages of dementia, he said.
The campus differs from other dementia care programs in that it is a facility specifically focused on people with dementia that serves people at all stages of dementia. She said this would serve as a model for expanding programs with a particular focus on the care of patients with dementia.
“In reality, this is an increasingly big concern for the state, a big concern, and we really want to expand such services across the state,” McManus said.
“Socialization is an important part of dementia care”
Another program run by the campus, according to Flood, is the Child Care Center run by the Prince of Peace Preschool. She said the purpose of setting up a child care center on campus is to provide an opportunity for intergenerational socialization between children and people with dementia.
“Long-term memory is what people with dementia hold the longest, and children are part of it,” Flood said. “So they remember the children, and they are uplifting, and their laughter is contagious, which brings them joy.”
According to the flood, other parts of the campus will open in the coming months. These are life support facilities that accommodate up to 12 residents at all stages of dementia, inpatient hospice care homes that provide professional care to up to 10 patients with progressive dementia, and painting, dance. , Yoga for people with dementia, according to a news release from the Hospice of the Valley.
Part of the Education Center is the Memory Cafe, which is described in the Hospice of the Valley pamphlet as “a dementia-friendly place to meet, interact and eat.” The flood described it as a place where families can “sigh of relief”, knowing that they are in a place where dementia is understood.
“If you have a loved one who is very difficult to take them out in public because of advanced dementia, possible behavior, or being too difficult and uncomfortable, you are me You can come to us on campus, and of course, nothing unusual happens there. “
Socialization is important for people with dementia, McManus said. She said that patients with dementia find it more difficult to navigate the social situation, so they can be withdrawn, which can accelerate the progression of the disease.
“Socialization is an important part of dementia care,” McManus said.
The Memory Cafe hosts a support group for caregivers of people with dementia, Flood said.
“Because people with dementia cannot be left at home, there will be professional caregivers specially trained in dementia care to attract people with dementia, so you will give them you. I’ll take you with you, “Flood said.
“And the care partner can go to another room in the Memory Café, where there is a trained facilitator who faces the challenges of developing dementia and trying to provide the best care. Helps explain some of them. For those they love. And they can also share with others who are on the same exact journey. “
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Fundraising on the dementia campus is underway, officials say
The Hospice of the Valley raises funds to pay for the campus.
Hamilton said he hopes that Assisted Living facilities, child care centers, day clubs, where Flood is privately funded, and hospice facilities, where Flood is covered by Medicare, will be at least a break-even point. rice field.
But, according to Hamilton, they expect to lose money because of the free training services offered by the Education Center.
“This is really a gift from the Hospice of the Valley to the community,” Hamilton said.
According to the flood, the dementia campus aims to provide both dementia patients and their loved ones with both education and support in the same facility.
“I love the fact that my family doesn’t have to go out and find all the different resources themselves,” says Flood. “When they learn that their loved ones have dementia, they quickly become caregivers, and they can get education and support in one place, they are overwhelmed and get that reassurance. I can.”
Christina van Waasbergen is a journalism student at Northwestern University and an intern in charge of healthcare at The Arizona Republic. Contact her at [email protected].
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