Colorado elevation increases the risk of skin cancer
Editor’s Note: This article is part of a monthly series focused on the issue of cancer. Denver7 American Cancer Society, Cancer support community, Colorado Cancer Union When Health ONE Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute We bring you these stories, tips and resources.
As warm summer days are approaching, it is important for everyone to protect themselves and stay safe in the sun.
In Colorado this year, an estimated 1,920 people will be diagnosed with melanoma of the skin. Most skin cancers are mainly caused by the influx of exposure to UV light from the sun, but also from light sources such as indoor tan beds and sun lamps.
The sooner the skin cancer is found and treated, the more likely it is to recover. In many cases, skin cancer can be very preventable by taking precautions and educating yourself on the recommendations and prohibitions of sun exposure.
No one is safe from melanoma
People at the highest risk of melanoma have many moles, including irregular or large moles.
Relatives with melanoma and those with melanoma itself are also at increased risk. This may be due to a family lifestyle that is frequently exposed to sunlight, clean skin, inheriting genetic mutations, or a combination of these factors.
Some dermatologists should have a skin examination and discuss the risk of melanoma with their healthcare provider if they have first-degree relatives (mother, father, sister, son, etc.) with a history of melanoma. Suggests that there is.
People with fair skin, which is prone to burns and freckles, and naturally red or blonde hair, are also at increased risk of melanoma. People who get sunburned as children or young adults, or who have spots of other types of cancer or precancerous cancer on their skin at any age are also at increased risk.
As people get older, they are more likely to develop melanoma. Still, melanoma is one of the most common cancers in young people.
Melanoma is less common in people with dark skin, who rarely get sunburned, but no one is at risk. Melanoma most often begins in the palms, soles of the feet, and under the nails when it develops in people with untanned skin tones.
If you find something unusual (abnormally growing moles or growth, bleeding, or growth different from others), consult a dermatologist.
Here are some sun safety tips to keep in mind:
- Shade – Look for a shade if possible. This is especially important during the hours from 10 am to 4 pm when the sun’s rays are strongest.
- Clothes – Wear clothing such as long sleeves and trousers that cover and protect your skin.
- Sunscreen – Choose a sunscreen that offers a wide range of spectral protection from UVA and UVB rays and has a sunscreen factor of 30 or higher. Be sure to read the label instructions and apply them generously.
- Hats – Hats are another way to protect your skin from the sun. Look for a hat with a 2-3 inch brim.
- Sunglasses – It is important to protect the eyes and the skin around the eyes. Ideally, sunglasses that block 99-100% of UVA and UVB rays.
It is also important to avoid sun lamps and tanning beds. For more information, The website of the American Cancer Society.
A monthly full-body self-examination is done to familiarize yourself with the skin and identify changes that may be a sign of skin cancer. Check your body with a mirror and look for changes. If you have any concerns, please consult your doctor. These changes include:
- Bleeding or persistent pain after several weeks
- Skin enlargement, new or changing growth, bumps or spots
- Scaly or coarse red patch with bleeding and crusting
- Change to mole color, size, or shape
- For more information on skin self-examination and what to look for ACS website
- You can also download Mole map of the body From the American Dermatological Association to learn how to examine your skin and what to look for
early detection
Three Common Skin Cancer Types
- Basal cell carcinoma Is a slow-growing cancer in the outer layer of the skin where the basal cells are located or just below the epidermis. Basal cell carcinoma rarely spreads to other parts of the body.
- Squamous cell carcinoma It is rarer than basal cell carcinoma and inhabits the epidermis. It spreads more often than basal cell carcinoma.
- melanoma Is the most serious type of skin cancer and occurs when melanocytes, the pigment cells in the epidermis, become malignant and begin to divide out of control. When it spreads to the lymph nodes, it can reach other parts of the body, such as the liver, lungs, and brain. In such cases, the disease is called metastatic melanoma.
Other types of skin cancer include: Kaposi’s sarcoma, Skin or cutaneous lymphoma When Merkel cell carcinoma.. Actinic keratosis Precancerous skin lesions that can lead to squamous cell carcinoma.
Treatment options
If skin cancer is diagnosed, doctors will probably have surgery to remove the tumor and some of the surrounding tissue. ResectionOr a special procedure called Mohs Surgery..If you have melanoma, your doctor Sentinel lymph node biopsy Helps determine the stage.
Your doctor may then recommend additional treatment, depending on the type of cancer, the stage of the disease, and other factors. This includes:
- chemical treatmentUse medicines to kill or slow the growth of cancer cells
- ImmunotherapyThis helps the patient’s immune system fight cancer
- Clinical trialsDepending on the type of skin cancer you have, you may be eligible for the type of treatment that is still being tested.
If you are diagnosed with skin cancer, follow your doctor’s recommendations for regular examinations. This helps detect new cases of skin cancer, or the recurrence of treated ones, early enough.
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