A Toronto woman encounters dozens of mites in a suburban backyard
A relaxing afternoon reclining in the backyard with her dog That should have been it — relax.Michelle Snyder knew very little, but they also entertained some unwanted, blood-sucking companies: she says Dani-comes from herself backyardIn the suburbs Long branch West area Toronto..
“I literally chose six or seven dogs a day,” Snyder said. “Then they came into the house, and then I found them to me. When I woke up, I had three on my back, one on my shoulders, and one on my hips.”
Snyder went to Facebook to warn others about ticks and posted a video of ticks caught on her and her dog. She says they have never been as bad as this year.
“There are probably about 25 ticks that bit me and my dog now,” Snyder said.
And she is not alone in her emotions. Reports of ticks are also increasing in urban areas — with concerns about the diseases that ticks can carry. Lyme diseaseIt is transmitted to humans through the bites of black-footed mites.
Robert Collautti, an associate professor of biology at Queen’s University, said:
According to infectious disease expert Dr. Isaac Bogotti, this increase seems to be consistent with the increase in Lyme disease.
“Lime disease is increasing year by year in Canada,” Bogoch said. “It is very likely that expanding the range of mites that can transmit this, primarily caused by climate change, will increase the range of mites that transmit lime.”
Experts say the risk of mites carrying debilitating illnesses varies from region to region.
“In some cases, 68-80% of mites in certain places suffer from Lyme disease, but in other areas there were few mites,” said Corautti.
In a statement, the Toronto Department of Public Health told Global News that “the risk of getting infected with ticks carrying Lyme disease is low,” “it’s too early to tell because the city has just started this year’s tick monitoring program. If there is a tendency for tick numbers “—especially in the long branch area where Snyder is from.
But for Snyder, the evidence is in the pudding.
“I’ve lost it,” Snyder said indignantly. “I feel like they’re always on top of me. (I) want to leave the house and move to a hotel at the moment of a breakdown, which is terrible.”
When the weather warms, the London Health Unit issues a reminder about the risk of Lyme disease.
Bogoch strongly recommends that people spending time outdoors do a tick check before heading indoors.
“It’s important to look closely at the exposed skin, especially if you look into the soles of your feet, which can be useful if you tend to overlook them. They can be quite small,” Bogoch said.
“You have to put your head out — sometimes they get buried there … It’s decent tweezers, it’s not that hard to get rid of mites. And if the mites are identified and removed in a short period of time , The risk of infection is very low. “
To avoid mites altogether, Toronto Public Health also encourages residents to “care when hiking or walking in areas with trees, bushy leaves and tall grass.” doing. Uses insect repellent containing DEET or Icaridin. “
Some areas of the city have tick populations known to carry Lyme disease, City website..
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