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Experts share the three theories behind the mysterious liver disease

Experts share the three theories behind the mysterious liver disease


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating an increase in the number of cases of hepatitis in children of unknown cause and whether previous COVID-19 infections may be involved in the disease.

of Wednesday statementOfficials said the number of cases under investigation reached 180 from 109 on May 5. However, this does not mean that more children are sick. Many of the newly reported cases are not really recent. The CDC is investigating cases that have occurred since October 1, 2021.

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver, usually caused by one of the hepatitis viruses. However, in these cases, all typical causes of hepatitis are excluded.

Cases are being investigated in 35 states and Puerto Rico.. CDC said it was before Investigate the deaths of five people In connection with the outbreak, it all happened before February. About 9% of sick children in the United States needed a liver transplant.

The CDC is investigating adenovirus infection As Possible causes of hepatitisIn a statement on Wednesday, almost half of the 180 children tested positive for it, so we call it a “strong lead.” Adenoviruses are common and usually cause cold-like or gastrointestinal symptoms. Certain types of adenovirus (adenovirus 41) have also been investigated.

At first A cluster of cases investigated by the CDC, Alabama 9 children, all adenovirus positive, 5 adenovirus 41 positive. Although adenovirus 41 is not known to cause hepatitis in otherwise healthy children, most of the children in the CDC study were previously healthy. ..

Is COVID Behind Hepatitis in Children?

The CDC statement also revealed that it is investigating its relationship with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. There is no evidence that it is the direct cause, NBC News reportedDr. Rick Marie, a pediatrician for infectious diseases at Boston Children’s Hospital, today has the hypothesis that previous COVID-19 infections could make some children more susceptible to “adenovirus hepatitis.”

Lancet’s recent report I propose a similar theory. Marie, who was not involved in the study, summarizes: It is different from other viruses. “

“In the context of a new virus that has a pandemic rate like SARS-CoV-2, at least when you hear that something strange might be happening to your kids … at least not. It’s no wonder that it would be ridiculous. Investigate the possibility of a connection. ”

Still, he emphasized that the investigation was in its infancy, “this is a hypothesis generation. It’s not a hypothesis test. Just saying, is this possible?”

Marie has presented two other hypotheses. “The simplest,” he said, is that a new version of adenovirus 41 is circulating and has slightly different properties or mutations that make it promote infection in the liver. Another possible theory is that these children may be susceptible to hepatitis for some reason, but have not been exposed for about two years due to pandemic restrictions.

“Suddenly you removed all these barriers and usually … all these kids who had been hanging out with each other for two and a half years are now exposed to each other,” Marie explained. .. “In a sense, we’re almost catching up with the number of possible cases we’ve seen in the last two and a half years.”

Asked why the number of cases began to increase in October, Marie said, “I don’t think anyone has the knowledge to say why they are watching now or not before … I don’t know. Maybe .. this strange adenovirus 41 is causing this and it has nothing to do with COVID-19. It’s still possible. “

He went on to emphasize the importance of parents who were aware of and aware of the signs of hepatitis. Case studies of their community — Not because you need to change your behavior, but because if your child develops symptoms, especially yellowing of the skin and eyes, seeing a doctor must be very quick. Other signs of hepatitis include tenderness or pain in the abdomen, malaise, dark urine or mild stools, nausea, vomiting or distension.





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