The CDC is monitoring the possibility of six monkeypox in the United States, and the general public says “don’t worry.”
The CDC is currently monitoring six people in the United States for possible monkeypox infections after sitting near an infected traveler who had symptoms during a flight from Nigeria to the United Kingdom in early May.
Separately, CDC authorities are also investigating a confirmed case of monkeypox in a Massachusetts man who recently traveled to Canada. The New York City Health Department is also investigating the possibility of infection in patients currently at Bellevue Hospital.
On the other hand, recent monkeypox infections have been identified in several other parts of the world where the virus is not usually common, such as Canada, the United Kingdom, Italy, Northern Ireland and Spain.
“At the same time, not many cases have been reported-probably dozens, dozens-so the general public should not be worried that they are at imminent risk of monkeypox.” She said. “We are working on an investigation.”
Overall, “we have people who are constantly under surveillance for illness,” CDC spokesman Christine Pearson wrote in an email Thursday. This means that if someone may have been exposed to a pathogen, you should monitor their health and see a doctor if they develop any symptoms.
For the six people currently being monitored for the possibility of monkeypox, all are “healthy, asymptomatic, and considered to have a low risk of monkeypox,” Pearson wrote.
As the CDC investigation continued, discussions began, including the topic of vaccines.
CDC’Discussion and Evaluation of Smallpox Vaccines’
CDC officials are assessing whether smallpox vaccines should be provided to healthcare professionals who treat monkeypox patients and others who may be “at high risk” for exposure to monkeypox, McKistton said. Stated.
“Whether it makes sense in the current situation to provide a smallpox vaccine is definitely what we are discussing and evaluating,” she said. “The next day or so, we’ll be close to making recommendations for that.”
“We have vaccines that are stockpiled and available, and if determined as a way to help control this outbreak, we can use them,” McQuiston said.
“We are in the early stages of understanding the cause of this outbreak. The fact that cases have been reported in multiple locations around the world probably suggests that it has been going on for weeks. “She said. “Hopefully there are much stronger recommendations for people as we have completed the investigation and are working to avoid it.”
“This is not a national disease,” Daniel Bausch, president of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Health, told CNN Thursday.
“Of course, from a public health perspective, we need to investigate and respond-I think the general public should know this-but there is certainly no reason to panic. All sorts of things. A large outbreak will occur. ” “And if you’ve never been in contact with Massachusetts and you have nothing to do with the person who suffered from the disease, or there are other reasons to predict or understand how the disease invaded the United States. Until-the risk of getting monkeypox is really low. “
The mystery of monkeypox
Doctors in Massachusetts I have been treating monkeypox patients in the United States with a special pathogen unit within Massachusetts General Hospital, wearing the same personal protective equipment that I wear for Covid-19 patients.
“They have undergone a symptom-related work-up, and an infectious disease doctor looked at the patient, learned about some cases in the UK, and determined that the patient may have Monkey Pox.” Dr. Erica Shenoy, Regional Emerging Medical Director, told CNN Thursday, the Special Pathogen Treatment Center and Deputy Chief of the Infectious Disease Control Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital.
“Then we talked to the state’s public health authorities. Yes, it was decided that they met the inspection criteria,” Shenoy said. The patient was positive on the test.
“I don’t think there really is a clear risk to the general public at this point,” Shenoy said. “This is an evolving situation that we are trying to better understand. To better understand the epidemiology and why these clusters are occurring, which have also been reported in the United Kingdom, Portugal and Spain.”
The CDC found that all people infected with monkeypox during its outbreak became ill after contact with their pet prairie dogs. These pets were housed in the facilities of an animal dealer in Illinois who may have been infected with the virus. The facility contained small mammals positive for monkeypox virus imported from Ghana. There are 2 African pouched rats, 9 dormouses, and 3 rope squirrels.
“Prairie dogs got monkeypox from imported animals and gave it to humans,” Baush said. “It’s a bit of a misnomer to call it monkeypox. This virus reservoir, a natural reservoir in nature, is probably a particular type of rodent.”
Dr. Vivek Murthy, US Surgeon General, said Thursday that people should not be worried about monkeypox at this point, but should know the symptoms and when to seek help.
Mercy explained on CNN’s New Day that monkeypox is rare in humans. Man. “
Symptoms generally resemble the flu, he told CNN’s John Berman and Erica Hill.
“Fortunately, there is one case currently identified, but we should always pay attention to more cases,” he said. “At this point, I don’t want to worry people. Even at this point, these numbers are still low. I want you to be aware of these symptoms and contact your doctor if you have any concerns.”
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