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New flexible and breathable gas sensors have the potential for health care and environmental applications

New flexible and breathable gas sensors have the potential for health care and environmental applications


According to researchers, the newly developed flexible, porous and sensitive nitrogen dioxide sensor for skin and clothing has the potential to be applied in healthcare, environmental health monitoring and military applications.

Researchers led by Huanyu “Larry” Cheng, an assistant professor of engineering science and mechanics at Pennsylvania State University, announced a sensor design based on previous models. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces..

The sensor monitors nitrogen dioxide from breathing if it is attached under the nose and from sweat if it is attached elsewhere in the body. Unlike taking a blood sample, it adheres directly to the skin for continuous and long-term monitoring of the gas.

Chen explained that while similar sensors exist, the main differentiator for the new design is breathability.

Substrate materials commonly used for gas sensors are flexible, but not porous. Moisture buildup from the surface of the skin can cause irritation and damage to the surface of the skin. You need to make sure that the device is porous so that moisture can pass through the sensor without accumulating on the surface. “

Huanyu “Larry” Cheng, Associate Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Pennsylvania State University

Researchers have created a new sensor using a manufacturing method called laser direct writing.

“Laser direct writing is similar to layered molding in that it is easy to set up and low cost, and lasers are widely available,” says Chen. “This process is relatively robust and fast and can be scaled up to large-scale manufacturing.”

Cheng and his team have integrated a type of material called block copolymers with resin to create a laser write sensor with the desired breathability.

“Because the integration of block copolymers goes beyond the materials we have used, we considered extending the substrate material from a typical thin film to virtually anything,” Cheng said. increase. “It can give us breathability and adjustable pore size.”

According to Chen, the sensor can monitor conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that nitrogen dioxide can cause or exacerbate. He also said that the sensor was specially developed to detect nitrogen dioxide, but could detect a variety of gases and biomarkers. For example, to monitor blood glucose levels to monitor diabetes or to identify dangers in an industrial or combat environment.

“Sensors also help monitor gas in the environment,” he said. “For example, you can monitor the quality of the air and inform the patient of potential concerns about too much exhaust from the car. Then the patient can use that information to use that information in a particular area on a particular day. Can be avoided. “


Journal reference:

Yang, L. , et al. (2022) An essentially breathable and flexible NO2 gas sensor produced by laser direct writing of self-assembled block copolymers. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces..




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