Dream enactment obstacles have increased up to four times during the pandemic.coronavirus

Scientists report a two- to four-fold increase in the prevalence of dream-fulfilling disorders during a pandemic. This allows people to physically carry out their dreams.
Given that this phenomenon can be an early indicator of Parkinson’s disease, the virus can cause changes in the brain, increasing the risk that people will develop this condition. However, researchers emphasized that it could also be the result of stress caused by a pandemic, and further research is needed to explore its relevance.
Our muscles are usually paralyzed during REM sleep, where most dreams occur. That is, our bodies remain quiet and stationary. However, in people with a rare condition called REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD), this temporary paralysis does not occur and the dream is physically carried out. Professor Yaping Liu of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, who led the research, said: ..
This condition affects 2-3% of adults over the age of 60 across developed countries and can even signal the onset of Parkinson’s disease.
After reading some scientific reports of people who developed Parkinson’s disease-like symptoms shortly after being infected with Covid, I was curious about whether the prevalence of dream-making disorders increased during a pandemic. Liu and his colleague.
They examined data from an international Covid sleep study, an online survey of 26,539 people from 15 countries. In the question, participants were asked if they were told to carry out their dreams while they were asleep, or if they suspected that they had done so.
“We found that the prevalence of dream-fulfilling behavior was two to four times higher than in previous studies conducted in the general population during non-pandemic periods,” Liu said. “In addition, subjects who reported a diagnosis of Covid-19 were 2-3 times higher than those who were not infected.”
Their research is Sleep Research JournalIt was found that 8% of people diagnosed with Covid regularly experience this phenomenon, while 3% of people who have never been infected experience this phenomenon. However, it was not possible to determine whether these behaviors occurred only during the infection itself or continued after people recovered from Covid.
Professor Adam Zeman, a sleep disorder expert at the University of Exeter, said the finding was interesting, but raised more questions than it could answer. “The overall percentage of dream realizations detected in this study is very high, suggesting that a variety of different sleep behaviors may have caused respondents to report it.
“If Covid-19 really increases the rate of dream realization, there may be a variety of explanations, from anxiety to obstructive sleep apnea,” he said. Said referring to the state of doing.
He added that the possible association between Covid-19 infection and a form of Parkinson’s disease would require further research using a more objective method of diagnosing it.
Michele Hu, a professor at Oxford University who studies the relationship between Parkinson’s disease and sleep, said the surest way to diagnose RBD is an overnight sleep study, usually done in a hospital. However, Liu’s work is important because it first created a potential link between Covid-19 infection and RBD, she said.
Liu agreed that further research is needed. “Dream-making behavior can also occur as a result of other sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, and has been reported by people with post-traumatic stress disorders and those experiencing nightmares. “I agree,” he agreed. He said. “If other problems such as nightmares, PTSD, stress, and negative emotions improve, they can disappear intermittently.”
In the meantime, people are aware that they can be injured or hurt their partners if they are performing their dreams, and if their behavior is persistent and frequent, they need to see a doctor. He said.
The Sleep Foundation It is advisable to remove sharp, cluttered or furniture around the bed. Also, if an individual shares a bed with a partner, consider sleeping in a separate bed for the duration of the activity.
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