Alex Jones’ unfounded claim is the outbreak of monkeypox with the Covid-19 vaccine
Now, it was only a matter of time before someone started blaming the Covid-19 vaccine for the ongoing outbreak of monkeypox. After all, since the beginning of 2021, every time a new health issue reaches the news, some politicians, TV personalities, and anonymous social media accounts have tried to associate the new issue with the Covid-19 vaccine. for example, May 1st i Forbes How some people were trying to link the outbreak of hepatitis among children to Covid-19 vaccination. They did this despite the small details that many of these children were not vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine.
So what Alex Jones tried to do in his recent episode InfoWars The show wasn’t surprising. By the way, Jones, who isn’t a doctor or other type of scientist but touts supplements and other health products, somehow linked the outbreak of monkeypox to AstraZeneca and the Johnson & Johnson (J & J) Covid-19 vaccine. I tried.If you’re Jones for this moment’s clip of Jones InfoWars Shaw, Florida lawyer Ron Filipkowski, provided the following tweet:
As you can see, Jones’ main argument was that the outbreak of monkeypox affected the same countries where people were vaccinated with AstraZeneca and the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine. Of course, it’s not a very compelling argument. Much is happening in the 12 countries where there have been cases of monkeypox so far. According to the World Health Organization (WHO).. For example, Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States all have places to serve hot dogs. But frankly, no one seems to wonder if hot dogs could be a source of monkeypox.
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Jones further claimed that these two Covid-19 vaccines are “viral vectors that inject the chimpanzee genome into cells and instruct them to replicate under those instructions.” That’s completely wrong.As Dr. Peter Hotez, MD, Dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine, pointed out in the following tweet, Jones seemed to inject a significant amount of bleep into him. InfoWars segment:
Hotez emphasized that the J & J vaccine does not use chimpanzee adenovirus as Jones claimed, but instead uses human adenovirus. Both vaccines use adenoviruses that cannot replicate, that is, viruses that cannot replicate. Oh, as Jones claimed, they “do not inject the chimpanzee genome into your cells.”
In fact, Jones seemed to be doing too much. As explained on May 8th ForbesDespite its name, monkeypox actually has little to do with monkeys. As Hotez explained, the name monkeypox comes from the fact that the virus that causes monkeypox was first discovered on the NHP in 1958. The virus can infect monkeys, but it circulates primarily between rodents. And if you get infected, the virus won’t turn you into a monkey.
So why is Jones trying to find another cause for the outbreak of monkeypox when the real cause is already fairly clear? The culprit is a double-stranded DNA virus, Orthopox virus With the genus Poxvirus family family. This is by no means a mystery virus. Scientists know that the virus can cause monkeypox from the early 1970s, or from Scaramuccis over 1600 years ago.
In addition, Jones’ claim is further disintegrated when he realizes that not all people affected by the outbreak of monkeypox have been vaccinated with the AstraZeneca or J & J Covid-19 vaccine.For example, this is Forbes Contributor Dr. Vicky Forster tweeted a case of monkeypox in the United Kingdom.
This is an unsightly conspiracy theory job. Again, if you’re going to spread the conspiracy theory, try tying up the loose end first. At least first, make sure that everyone affected by the outbreak was actually vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine.
Not surprisingly, scientific facts do not prevent various social media accounts, many of which are anonymous, from trying to spread the conspiracy theory of monkeypox outbreaks with this Covid-19 vaccine.For example, an account that calls itself “Truth Seek”Sought to suggest that bullous pemphigoid, a very rare and potential side effect of the Covid-19 vaccine, is” very similar “to monkeypox.
Well, first of all, beware of those who try to call themselves “truth” or someone-something these days. Isn’t it the kind of person who chooses “sexy” or “beautiful” as a nickname on a dating site? You probably don’t mean to say, “Oh, that person must be sexy.” If you insist on seeking the truth, at least identify who you really are.
Second, attempts to suggest that bullous pemphigoid and monkeypox are the same are filled with lesions. Two are no Like each other. Bullous pemphigoid is an autoimmune skin condition that causes large, fluid-filled blisters that tend to occur in the wrinkles of the skin in the lower abdomen, upper thighs, and underarms. Bullous pemphigoid is equated with monkeypox because monkeypox may have fluid-filled lesions at some point. If you announce that having a lesion with pus means a diagnosis of monkeypox, you will have many surprised teenagers. Monkeypox, bullous pemphigoid, and acne lesions all differ greatly in appearance, composition, progression, and associated symptoms, but all three can affect the likelihood of getting a prom date. I have.
Over the years, Jones has certainly promoted his share of conspiracy theory. As I covered Forbes Back to 2018These conspiracy theories include allegations that Sandy Hook’s mass shootings were staged, vaccines caused autism, and the government was using chemicals to make people and frogs gay. (Because it isn’t?) Diffusion-Conspiracy-Theory-Not Provided-Actual Evidence Things have become a very commonly used metaphor not only by Jones but also by many others.that’s why Condemn all of the Covid-19 vaccine It’s a metaphor since the Covid-19 vaccine was launched in late 2020. Therefore, be prepared for more monkeypox businesses from anti-bakers and other pseudoscientific people next week or so.
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