Fear of Monkeypox in India: BMC Guidelines for Global Post-Outbreak Isolation, Management of Suspicious Cases
- Monkeypox as a rare viral infection that most people recover in a few weeks
- So far, no cases of monkeypox have been reported in India.
Fear of Monkeypox in India: So far, no confirmed cases of monkeypox have been reported in India. However, with the safety of Indians in mind, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation Public Health Department (BMC) has issued guidelines on the isolation and management of suspected monkeypox cases. According to the United Kingdom National Health Service, monkeypox is a rare viral infection that is usually mild and most people recover in a few weeks. However, the disease can turn out to be fatal in the strain causing the current outbreak, which kills 1 in 100 infected people.
People usually get the infection in the tropics of western and central Africa and can be transmitted by very close contact with the infected person. The virus is difficult to infect humans and is said to have a very low risk to the general public. The disease, first discovered in monkeys, can be transmitted from person to person through close physical contact, not just sexual intercourse, the Daily Mail reported. There is no specific vaccine against monkeypox, but the smallpox jab provides 85% protection because the two viruses are so similar, the BBC reported.
Related | What is monkeypox?Know the symptoms and treatment of how it spreads
Here are some important points about monkeypox you should know
- Monkeypox is a zoonotic viral disease that occurs primarily in the rainforest regions of Central and West Africa and may be exported to other regions.
- Monkeypox usually presents clinically with fever, rash, and swollen lymph nodes, which can cause a variety of complications.
- Monkeypox is a self-limited illness that usually lasts for 2-4 weeks. Serious cases can occur.Case fatality rate can vary from 1 to 10%
- Monkeypox can be transmitted from animal to human and from human to human. The virus enters the body through broken skin (even if not visible), airways, or mucous membranes (eyes, nose, or mouth).
- Animal-to-human transmission can be bites or scratches, preparation of bushmeat (bushmeat is wildlife meat), direct contact with body fluids or lesional material, or indirect contact with lesional material such as contaminated bedding. May be caused by.
- Human-to-human transmission is thought to occur primarily through large respiratory droplets and generally requires long periods of close contact.
- It can also be transmitted by direct contact with body fluids or lesions, or by indirect contact with lesions such as contaminated clothing or linen of infected persons.
- The clinical manifestations of monkeypox are similar to those of smallpox, a related orthopoxvirus infection declared eradicated worldwide in 1980. Monkeypox is less contagious than smallpox and causes less severe illness.
- The incubation period is usually 7 to 14 days, but can range from 5 to 21 days, during which time humans are usually not contagious.
- Infected people can become infected 1-2 days before the onset of the rash and continue to spread until all scabs have fallen.
Cases of monkeypox in the world
Non-endemic countries for monkey pox are Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Endemic countries of monkey pox are Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Ghana (identified by animals only), Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria, Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone and South Sudan.
Case of monkeypox in India
As of the date (May 23, 2022), no suspected or confirmed cases of monkeypox have been reported in Mumbai.
BMC Guidelines for Isolation and Management of Suspected Monkeypox Cases
1. Airport authorities are screening for passenger outbreaks from endemic and non-endemic countries.
2. Ward No. 30 (28 beds) will be prepared to isolate suspicious cases in another ward of Kasturba Hospital and their test samples will be sent to the NIV Pune Institute.
3. All medical facilities in Mumbai have been informed to notify and refer to Custarva Hospital for suspicious cases.
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