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Authorities report two suspicious cases in Salt Lake County

Authorities report two suspicious cases in Salt Lake County
Authorities report two suspicious cases in Salt Lake County


“Both individuals are isolated and do not present any risk to the public,” officials advised.

(Trent Nelson | Salt Lake Tribune) Dr. Angeladan, Executive Director of the Salt Lake County Health Department, will speak at a press conference in Salt Lake City on Tuesday, August 10, 2021. On the left is Jenny Wilson, Mayor of Salt Lake County. Dan will explain to the public two suspected monkeypox cases in Salt Lake County on Monday morning, officials said Monday.

Officials from the Salt Lake County Health Department announced Monday morning that two adults in the same Salt Lake County household were suspected of having monkeypox based on preliminary tests.

Officials said in a news release that two infected individuals traveled abroad earlier this month to an area “currently experiencing cases of monkeypox” and subsequently developed symptoms.

“Both individuals are isolated and do not present any risk to the public,” officials said in the release. “They are experiencing a mild illness and are expected to recover completely.”

Details about the two probably infected individuals were not released early Monday. County Health Department officials quoted the Medical Privacy Act.

Dr. Angela Dan, Managing Director of the Salt Lake County Health Department, is expected to address an obvious case of monkeypox at a news briefing on Monday morning.

Concerns about exposure

“The Utah public health system has not identified the risk of exposure to the public because of these possible cases,” according to county officials.

Officials said in a statement that exposure concerns were limited to those who were clearly identified as having “direct and close contact” with individuals who were suspected to have been infected during the period of infection.

According to the news release, county and state health officials have contacted these obvious close contacts and will contact all contacts by the end of Monday.

What experts know about monkeypox

Monkeypox is a rare disease commonly found in Central and West Africa, but health officials say Recently identified cases In Europe and North America.

In humans, symptoms of monkeypox include fever, headache, muscle aches, malaise, and swollen lymph nodes, Salt Lake County health officials advise. People infected with monkeypox often develop a rash. Usually, a rash appears on the face first, then spreads to other parts of the body, and then turns into a liquid-filled ridge called “smallpox.”

According to officials, “pox” lesions usually scab before shedding. The infection can last from 2 to 4 weeks.

President Joe Biden said on Sunday that there were recent cases of monkeypox in Europe and North America. Something “worrisome” The Associated Press reported this weekend.

How monkeypox usually spreads

Monkeypox is not known to spread easily among humans, and infections generally do not occur through accidental contact, Salt Lake County officials advised.

Instead, human-to-human transmission generally occurs through direct contact with body fluids, including monkeypox lesions. It can also be caused by “long-term close face-to-face contact”.

Authorities advise that it usually takes 7 to 14 days after someone becomes infected with monkeypox and the symptoms begin to appear, which can be 5 to 21 days.

“Infected people do not get infected before symptoms appear,” officials said.

There is currently no proven safe treatment for monkeypox, but there is limited evidence that smallpox treatment may be useful. Most people recover without treatment.

If you are planning an overseas trip right away

Utahns, who is planning an overseas trip, Current recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Health officials in Salt Lake County advised on monkeypox and other infectious diseases at their destination.

These recommendations include frequent and thorough hand washing, avoiding contact with animals, and avoiding close contact with people who are clearly experiencing symptoms of monkeypox or other illnesses.

Those planning to travel abroad should consider getting up-to-date information on recommended immunity and ensuring that they are educated about potential health risks at their destination. ..

You can make an appointment at the Salt Lake County Health Department Travel Clinic and call 385-468-4111 to confirm.

For more information on monkeypox, please visit:

— This is a developing story and will be updated.




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