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New injectable immunotherapeutic treatment for the rare form of triple-negative breast cancer recommended by NICE | News and Features | News

New injectable immunotherapeutic treatment for the rare form of triple-negative breast cancer recommended by NICE | News and Features | News


Pembrolizumab is used in adult chemotherapy for triple-negative breast cancer.This breast cancer tumor expresses PD-L1 and has a total positive score (number of PD-L1 positive cells relative to CPS-tumor cells) of 10 or higher and chemotherapy. In the case of metastatic disease and when surgery to remove the tumor is not possible..

Evidence from clinical trials shows that the combination of pembrolizumab increases the time it takes for the cancer to worsen and the survival time compared to paclitaxel.

NICE already recommended Atezolizumab in combination with chemotherapy For untreated PD-L1 positive, locally advanced or metastatic, triple-negative breast cancer. The population targeted for NICE evaluation of pembrolizumab in combination with chemotherapy covers some, but not all, people who are eligible to receive atezolizumab in combination with chemotherapy. This is because in the case of atezolizumab, PD-L1 expression is measured using a slightly different method called immune cell staining (IC). The atezolizumab combination is recommended by NICE for people with an IC of 1% or higher. This means that some people who cannot combine atezolizumab may be eligible for the pembrolizumab combination.

Following discussions on a previous draft guidance, the company suggested that pembrolizumab combinations should be limited to people with tumors who have PD-L1 with a CPS of 10 or higher and an IC of less than 1%. .. This means that the atezolizumab combination is no longer a direct comparison, thereby removing an important barrier to approval by NICE and an alternative treatment for people who cannot have a pembrolizumab combination with an atezolizumab combination. To.

NICE’s independent evaluation committee also agreed that the combination of pembrolizumab would meet the higher cost-effectiveness threshold for life-prolonging treatment for people with short life expectancy.

Pembrolizumab (also known as Keytruda, manufactured by Merck Sharp and Dohme), given by injection every three weeks, is a type of immunotherapy that specifically targets triple-negative breast cancer... It works by blocking the activity of a protein known as PD-L1, which is produced more in cancer cells than in normal cells. By blocking PD-L1, it helps a person’s own immune cells attack the cancer.

Helen Knight, Interim Director of NICE Drug Evaluation, Said: “Today’s decision shows that NICE is at the forefront of bringing better care to more people. Companies are constructively working together to find solutions to the problems highlighted in the previous draft guidance. I’m glad you did it.

“People who did not have access to atezolizumab, another immunotherapy recommended by NICE, have gained an important new option to help them live longer and spend more valuable time with their loved ones. Therefore, pembrolizumab. We recommend a smaller population than are licensed for the combination, which means that the maximum number of patients with advanced triple-negative breast cancer is currently receiving effective treatment. “

Sajid Javid, Minister of Health, said:

“After being diagnosed with cancer, we can provide support and comfort by spending more time with friends and family. That’s why the NHS offers these types of innovative treatments to people. I’m really proud to be able to give that extra time.

“I want to revolutionize cancer treatment and make it the best in Europe. We will include this in our 10-year cancer program this summer.

“If you are concerned about your symptoms, the sooner you make a diagnosis, the better you can start treatment and the better your results, so go ahead and talk to your doctor.”

Women’s Health Minister Maria Colefield said:

“We are pleased that this new drug will be offered by the NHS and that breast cancer patients will spend more time with their loved ones.

“We are constantly looking for innovative treatments and new ways of working to improve the diagnosis and care of cancer patients. These are the 12 new treatments available in the UK over the last four years. It is one of the treatments for breast cancer.

“Late later this summer, we will develop a 10-year cancer plan with a new focus on early diagnosis, innovative work styles, and new treatments.”

The company predicts that the pembrolizumab combination will be triple-negative and available to approximately 100 people annually. Breast cancer It extends to other parts of the body.

NICE makes positive recommendations in all 11 evaluations of breast cancer treatments completed since March 2018... When this evaluation is complete, the number will be twelve. All of these are now available to clinicians for the treatment of NHS patients.

A draft guidance on the combination of pembrolizumab for advanced triple-negative breast cancer is available here-




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