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Breastfeeding and higher cognition of children

Breastfeeding and higher cognition of children


A smiling mother breastfeeds her babyShare on Pinterest
According to experts, breastfeeding is good for your baby’s body and brain. Bo Bo / Stocksy
  • Researchers report that the duration of breastfeeding is associated with improved cognitive performance in children.
  • This is the latest in a series of studies linking breastfeeding and child intelligence.
  • Experts say that many mothers may or may not choose to breastfeed, but they can provide the baby with the right nutrients through infant formula.

Breastfeeding According to the new, it may make your child smarter study..

Similar results have been reported in previous studies, but researchers in the current study state that prolonged breastfeeding results in higher cognitive ability.

In a new study, scientists analyzed the data collected from British Millennium Cohort Study 7,855 babies born between 2000 and 2002 and followed up to the age of 14.

Data included:

  • Breastfeeding.
  • Breastfeeding period.
  • Language cognitive scores at ages 5, 7, 11, and 14.
  • Spatial cognitive scores at ages 5, 7, and 11.
  • Socio-economic characteristics.
  • Mother’s cognition based on vocabulary test.

The longer the breastfeeding period, the higher the linguistic and spatial cognitive scores throughout the study. The average cognitive score was 0.08 to .26 higher than that of a child who had never been breastfed.

“The differences found in our study may appear to be’small’in the cognitive abilities of individual children,” he explained. Lenny Pereira-EliasA PhD student at Oxford University in the United Kingdom and a Master’s degree in research.

“On an average of 100 normal IQ scales, the difference between a child who was breastfed for several months and a child who wasn’t breastfed would be between 1.5 and 4.0 points,” he told Healthline. rice field. “A difference of 2-3 IQ points may not seem like a big” benefit “to an individual child (for example, 100 to 102), but the overall population averages 2-3 points. As it increases, it can make quite significant differences. “

A conservative relationship remained when scientists adjusted the results to take into account socioeconomics and maternal intelligence.

Similar results were found in previous studies.

  • A study Breast-fed children increased by an average of 3.44 IQ points, according to a report released in 2021. This benefit seems to have a long-term impact, with children improving their testing and higher education performance.
  • A study We examined data from 111 healthy girls aged 7-9 years, released in February 2022. The researchers compared three groups: breast-fed alone, bottle-fed, and mixed. The group of breast-fed girls had higher than average IQ scores than the other groups. However, the results were not considered statistically significant, probably due to the small sample size.

Breastfeeding is considered the best choice by several medical institutions, including: American Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical AssociationAnd that World Health Organization..

According to these tissues, breastfeeding helps reduce infections, allergies and obesity.

Most women choose breastfeeding, at least initially.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 84 percent Percentage of mothers who started breastfeeding in 2017. By 6 months, it had dropped to 58%.

“It’s important to start a conversation about breastfeeding early in pregnancy,” he says. Dr. G. Thomas LewisOB / GYN leader at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California.

“I tell them about the benefits that their babies get, including getting important antibodies,” he told Healthline. “For example, if you are vaccinated against pertussis during pregnancy, the antibody will be passed to your baby through breastfeeding. COVID antibodies will also be passed to your newborn when your mother is vaccinated during pregnancy. Breastfeeding consultants are also available for new moms. By providing encouragement and support, mothers are more likely to continue breastfeeding. ”

However, breastfeeding Not suitable For everyone.

“There can be multiple challenges to breastfeeding, including nipple pain, tube blockage, poor connectivity, malaise, and poor milk supply,” he said. Dr. Kesia GeyserMPH, FACOG, Director of Perinatal Services and Maternal and Fetal Medicine at NYC Health + Hospitals / Lincoln, and Associate Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York.

Gaither told Healthline that women may opt for infant formula / bottle feeding for several reasons.

These include:

  • Not allowed in work or school schedules.
  • They are taking chemotherapy or other medications given to their baby.
  • They had a mastectomy.
  • They do not have family or partner support.
  • They have health conditions such as HIV.

According to experts, parents who have no choice or who choose bottles as a personal decision can provide their baby with a healthy diet. Over-the-counter prescription..

This formula does not provide antibodies to the infection, but it does give parents the convenience of giving others the opportunity to feed their baby, including other parents.

It also provides the flexibility to make it easier to manage other commitments such as work.

With over 40% of infant formula out of stock, some parents drive for hours looking for infant formula.

Due to current prescription shortages, some mothers have decided to breastfeed.

The Lack is the result Supply chain issues and recalls of several brands such as Similac, Similac Alimentum and EleCare.

The deficiency may slightly increase breastfeeding, but according to the article, the obstacles are still there New York Times..

Some women are unable to breastfeed. There is also a growing fear of not being able to find powdered milk and feeding the baby.

Breastfeeding is a personal decision that mothers take seriously. Some people think of their strengths and weaknesses for weeks or months.

For others, decisions are made by factors beyond their control.




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