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Hospitalization for COVID has increased, but fewer people need an ICU.

Hospitalization for COVID has increased, but fewer people need an ICU.


For the first time during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen an increase in hospitalizations without spikes corresponding to ICU and ventilator use.

Experts say decoupling is likely to occur as antiviral treatments such as Paxlobid and Molnupiravir are more widely available and prevent people from becoming seriously ill. In fact, according to state health officials, the state “currently has the lowest percentage of hospitalizations requiring an ICU or ventilator since September 2020.”

In its latest weekly COVID, the Michigan Department of Health and Welfare states that “thanks to vaccinations and treatments” such as monoclonal antibodies and oral antivirals. Data and modeling updates.. The FDA’s emergency use authorization for Paxlovid applies only to people at high risk of serious illness due to COVID, but patients in Michigan are now pharmacy Like Walgreens and Meijer.

“I prescribed it to a few people, and they did something really great with this drug,” said Dr. Dennis Cunningham, director of infection control and prevention at Henry Ford Health. “I think it’s incredibly effective and incredibly safe. I wish I could do more.”



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Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

Graph of hospitalization by COVID and tendency of serious illness. Previous surges indicate that the majority of these patients were seriously ill in the ICU by the time Michigan infected approximately 1,000 adults (now the state) admitted with COVID. Or on a respirator.

Initially, the problem with Paxlovid was Limited supplyCunningham said he is currently encouraging doctors to take advantage of the increased availability. “It’s getting better, but I hope it’s used more,” he said. “One thing that makes life easier for everyone is that there aren’t many antivirals prescribed in the state, so we send a message to the provider and the dose of monoclonal antibody is low. We have confirmed that the providers are aware of this, but the two antivirals out there are very effective.

“Unfortunately, the better of the two is Paxlovid, but there are a lot of drug interactions, so clinicians may have to be creative about retaining or reducing doses of other drugs. However, if started within the first 5 days of symptoms, Paxlovid will prevent 80% of hospitalizations for people at high risk of severe COVID disease, so it is worth the effort, “Cunningham said.

But this does not mean that people should be vigilant. The increase in the number of cases in Michigan over the last few weeks is better about who gets a long COVID and what these health problems look like weeks, months, and even years after the initial infection. It’s the same as knowing the situation.

“I think people are watching [rising case rates] And say,’Most of us will be fine. We’re not going to the hospital, “Cunningham said. “But that long-range COVID is very realistic and people can be affected for quite some time. So it really should fall into the people’s equation. It’s just the short illness you’re trying to experience. No need for fatigue, brain fog, or other symptoms [that can last far longer.]”

CDC released on Tuesday New research Suggests that one in five adults who survive COVID will continue to have potentially virus-related health problems for weeks, months, and even years after the initial infection. doing. Overall, the risk of COVID survivors was highest in acute pulmonary embolism (occlusion of the pulmonary artery) and respiratory symptoms compared to those who had never been infected.

Studies show that the situation is even darker for people over the age of 65, with nearly half experiencing “incident conditions” that could be part of a longer COVID. These include neurological problems that can last for more than a year, such as “mood disorders, other mental states, anxiety, and substance-related disorders.”

“People’s lives are really affected,” Cunningham said. “And you hear fatigue and the fog in your brain is bad, [you think] “I get over it.” Some people have a hard time getting out of bed, going to work, doing activities of daily living, and caring for their children. All we have to do. “

“I’m really worried about the implications of a long COVID. People don’t die, but it’s going to be pretty disastrous,” he said.

And while vaccination may provide some protection against long COVID, Major new research According to a Veterans Affairs study released Wednesday, vaccination appears to enhance protection from lung and blood clot problems with long COVIDs, but from other long COVID symptoms as experts have hoped. No protection was provided.

“Vaccines are miraculous in that they work as designed. [in terms of preventing hospitalization and death,]”The lead author, Dr. Zyard Alary, said NBC News.. But they “provide very modest protection against long Covids,” he said.




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