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55% of early pandemic survivors are still symptomatic after 2 years

55% of early pandemic survivors are still symptomatic after 2 years
55% of early pandemic survivors are still symptomatic after 2 years


Physicians treat COVID-19 patients in the ICU unitShare on Pinterest
Many people who were first infected with COVID-19 in 2020 still experience protracted health problems.Jeff J Mitchell / Getty Images
  • A Chinese study evaluated the current health status of the first COVID-19 survivors two years later.
  • Researchers have confirmed that half of these inpatients continue to experience the COVID-19 symptom, or “long COVID.”“”
  • In general, after two years, patients who experience COVID-19 when the vaccine is not available are in poorer health than those who do not develop COVID-19.

The first case of COVID-19 was reported in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. December 2019.. More than two years have passed since the outbreaks related to Wuhan’s Huanan Seafood Market began.

Since then, many COVID-19 survivors have reported prolonged health problems and symptoms that suddenly appear months and even a year after the initial infection. It is important to note that these patients experienced COVID-19 before the vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 was developed.

A recent study investigated the current status of COVID-19 patients from Wuhan two years later.

Of the people evaluated for the study by the researchers, half reported having at least one long COVID symptom two years after the acute infection.

The study was published in Lancet Respiratory Medicine..

Dr. David F. PutrinoAssociate Professor of Rehabilitation and Human Performance at Mount Sinai in New York, said he was not involved in the study Today’s medical news:

“We are very concerned about this. New variants and vaccinations appear to reduce the risk of long COVID overall, but for individuals who experience long COVID symptoms after an acute infection. The percentage is still relatively high and I am very concerned that this will lead to a large number of invalidation events. “

“”[I]Spreading COVID-19 at its current rate increases the likelihood of serious mass failure-causing events. “
— Dr. David F. Putrino

The new study, led by Professor Bin Khao of the Japan-China Friendship Hospital in Beijing, China, is the first study to report on the health of people in the acute phase. SARS-CoV-2 infection 2 years before the vaccine was developed.

2,469 participants in the study were discharged from Jin Intan Hospital between January 7, 2020 and May 29, 2020. Of these, 1,119 chose to undergo hospital evaluation and interviews two years after infection.

“This is amazing, and there are still no other studies that can look two years into the acute illness.” Dr. James R. HeathThe president and professor of the Institute for Systems Biology in Seattle, Washington, also said he was not involved in the study. MNT..

“Maybe it’s been reported for six months or even a year, but it’s mainly about mild infections,” he said.

Six months after the acute infection, 68% of participants reported long COVID symptoms, and by two years the number had dropped to 55%.

However, the authors of the study write that long COVID symptoms at 2 years are associated with poor quality of life, poor athletic performance, and abnormalities. mental healthAnd increased use of healthcare after discharge.

The most common long COVID symptoms after 2 years are weakness or MalaiseAnd sleep disorders, both reported by 31% of participants.

“We already know that long-term COVID with various symptoms is a big problem,” said Dr. Heath. It seems to dissipate faster. “

“This is very annoying given that long COVIDs affect not only inpatients, but also non-inpatients (not studied here). [s]It will help remind us that death is not the only serious consequence of acute COVID-19 infection. “
— Dr. David F. Putrino

Two years later, 89% of the participants returned to their original jobs.

Dr. Angela ChangA professor at the University of Toronto who was not involved in this study, he discussed what the future holds for those who have experienced COVID-19.

“The long-term sequelae of COVID-19 (long COVID) can depend on many factors: the treatment the patient received during acute illness, the number of vaccinations received before becoming infected with COVID-19. Types, virus doses, host responses, and variants (eg, Omicron vs. Delta), “she said.

“Therefore, it is difficult to predict the medical future of COVID-19 survivors,” said Dr. Cheung. The current numbers are enormous, but I hope they will decrease over time and treatment.“”

Dr. Heath said such findings “almost certainly” lead to treatment as scientists’ understanding of long-term COVID grows rapidly.

“But it will take years to test these treatments with the appropriate double-blind method. placeboIt is a controlled trial, suggesting that multiple etiologies may exist and require multiple treatments, “he added.




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