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Lung cancer screening program launched at 7 sites on the island

Lung cancer screening program launched at 7 sites on the island


Health Minister Adrian Dix announced a lung cancer screening program at 36 locations in the state on Wednesday. It aims to detect cancer in high-risk people early.B.C.

Health Minister Adrian Dix announced a lung cancer screening program at 36 locations in the state on Wednesday. It aims to detect cancer in high-risk people early.

According to the Ministry of Health, BC was the first state to introduce a state-wide lung screening program. The annual operating cost is $ 2.75 million, but the initial cost to provide dedicated software to interpret the scan includes $ 1.9 million from the BC Cancer Foundation and $ 800,000 from the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. .. The lung cancer screening program will be added to the already established state breast and colon cancer screening programs.

“It is our desire and goal to go everywhere in our country by making this program successful from here and influencing patients, not the only one in Canada, not the first in Canada. “Dix said.

The Lung cancer screening program Approximately 10,000 eligible patients will be screened in the first year (up approximately 15% annually to reach 20,000 in 2030), and approximately 150 lung cancers that are not otherwise detected will be diagnosed annually. is.

On Vancouver Island, screenings will be conducted at two major hospitals in Victoria, in addition to Saanich Peninsula Hospital, Duncan’s Kauchin District Hospital, Nanaimo Regional General Hospital, Comox Valley and Campbell River’s North Island Hospital.

British Columbia has the lowest incidence of lung cancer in Canada.

The screening program uses existing low-dose computer tomography (CT) scans. Asked if the state has the right personnel for a screening program, Dix said: [today].. “

Regarding concerns about imaging and waiting times for cancer treatment, Dix explained why in 2020 the state created a 10-year state cancer program that included efforts for new cancer centers in Nanaimo, Burnaby, and Sally.

lung cancer Is the most common cancer in Canada and around the world and mainly affects people over the age of 50. The most common cause is the use of tobacco for over 20 years.

Dr. Stephen Lam, medical director of the BC Cancer Lung Screening Program, who leads the program, said seven people died of lung cancer each day in BC, “70% of all cases were diagnosed at an advanced stage.”

Lung cancer screening programs aim to change that trend by detecting the majority of lung cancers early.

Early detection of cancer means “less invasive, faster recovery, and higher cure” treatment, said Dr. Kim Nguyen Chi, Chief Medical Officer of BC Cancer.

Currently, eligible participants include participants aged 55-74 years who smoke or have previously smoked or have smoked for more than 20 years.

The state encourages patients who meet the above criteria to call the Lung Screening Program (1877-717-5864) to complete an eligibility consultation and risk assessment.

The goal is to catch the illness before symptoms appear. Early-stage lung cancer is often asymptomatic, and if it does, it is often due to the spread of the disease.

Symptoms of advanced lung cancer include new cough changes or worsening, sudden shortage of breath during walking or exercise, asthma or infection-unrelated asthma, faint voice, recurrent cases of pneumonia or bronchitis, fever, weakness. Feeling, weight loss, chest pain, difficulty swallowing, swelling of lymph nodes in the neck.

According to Dix, one in two people will develop cancer in their lifetime.

Warren Clarmont, head of indigenous cancer management at BC Cancer, said indigenous peoples have a higher incidence of lung cancer than other BC residents. He expects state-wide lung screening programs to help “reduce barriers” for qualified indigenous peoples, Metis, and Inuit people to access.

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For those who want to quit smoking, LungCancer Canada offers the following resources at BC:

HealthLink BC-

BC Smoking Cessation Program-




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