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Rapid spread of Omicron and its subvariants Many people have urged them to try to upgrade to higher quality masks. But it’s not as easy as it sounds.
Anyone who has bought masks online or in stores has found a dazzling array of different shapes, sizes and colors. Knowing which mask to choose and making sure it is not a counterfeit requires forensic detective skills. And once selected, it’s still gambling. Many people find that they have ordered a mask that is too big or too small for their face, or just doesn’t fit.
“No one has made this easy, and it certainly is,” said President Bill Taubner. Bona fide mask, Exclusive distributor in the United States of both Powecom and Harley KN95 masks from China. “Many people will do a lot of research.”
Unlike cloth masks, high quality masks called N95, KN95, KF94 are made of a layer of high-tech filter material that traps at least 94-95% of the most dangerous particles. In the early days of the pandemic, there was a shortage of high quality medical and respiratory style masks. The problem now is that so many different masks are on sale. It is difficult to know masks and counterfeit masks that have been tested and certified by government agencies. Study test It turns out that many counterfeit masks do not even offer the same level of protection as cloth masks. We sought advice from mask manufacturers, importers, public health authorities, and independent researchers on choosing high quality masks. This is a guide.
Masks come in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are “cup” style masks, “duck bill” masks, and “flat fold” masks. The best mask fits snugly on your face and is comfortable. Start by ordering in small quantities and try different styles to find the one that works best for your face. Many masks are described as “one size is the most suitable”. However, some are smaller and some are larger. Nicole Vars McCullough, Vice President of Personal Safety at 3M Company, the largest manufacturer of N95 masks in the United States, said: ..
N95 mask
The N95 Breathing masks are regulated by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), a division of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Almost all N95 masks use head straps (two rubber bands that wrap around the back of the head). If the mask claiming to be N95 has an ear loop, it is likely to be fake. CDC I have a guide To find a fake N95.
KN95 respirator
The KN95 Similar to the N95, but with ear loops and is made to meet Chinese standards for medical masks. Some people like them for comfort, and because they come in smaller sizes. You can find genuine KN95 masks, but there are a lot of counterfeit products in the supply chain and there is little product regulation or monitoring. In one study 60% of KN95 supply It is a counterfeit product in the United States. Keep reading how to find them.
The KF94 A high quality mask that folds flat and is made in Korea. It is specifically designed for the consumer market. KF stands for “Korean filter” and 94 means to filter 94% of the particles. Masks are strictly regulated in South Korea, which reduces the risk of counterfeiting. However, some counterfeit masks made in China are labeled with KF94, so shoppers will have to do their homework.
Children’s mask
The mask market needs special attention for parents looking to find masks for their children. N95 masks for children are not approved, so masks claiming to be N95 for children are fake. However, the N95 is offered in S / M size for some older children. The KN95 and KF94 masks have a children’s style, so once you find one, you should use the links below to perform the same screening process as you would for an adult mask.
Buy from a reputable supplier.
Large retailers like Home Depot and Lowes usually work directly with NIOSH-approved manufacturers or their distributors, so if you find an N95 mask at a major retailer, you’re getting the real thing. I can be sure. According to Dr. McCullough, it’s a good idea to check the manufacturer’s website to see where the product is sold and who the authorized distributor is. The 3M website has dedicated spots to help Consumers find fake masks..
Finding a reliable mask on Amazon is difficult. Because I see legitimate masks mixed with counterfeit products, the difference is not always obvious.If you need to use Amazon, try shopping directly at the mask maker’s onsite store, such as: 3M Also Kimberly-Clark.. (Usually, there is a link to the manufacturer’s online store just below the product name.)
When purchasing KF94 on Amazon, take a closer look at the packaging to make sure it is made in South Korea and contains the required labels (see below for details). Aaron Collins, regularly testing masks, Follow YouTube As a “mask geek”, we recommend purchasing KF94 from a Korean cosmetology importer Get healthy Also KMact.. Once you know the names of some KF94 manufacturers, you can find their website and find out where they are sold. for example, Happy life Five distributors in the United States are listed on our website.
You may find N95 and KN95 masks sold directly on the mask manufacturer’s website. Like Demetech When Crossbow United States.. You can also find a company that is the exclusive distributor of KN95 Mask. Bona fide mask..Non-profit site Project N95 It’s also a reliable place to shop. Today, many trusted sites are overwhelmed by demand, which can lead to fulfillment and shipping time delays.
Check the label and print.
Regular N95 and KN95 require certain text to be stamped in front of the mask. You may find ones in fun colors, but masks printed with flashy designs or unstamped text are probably fake.
The N95 must be stamped with “NIOSH”, company name, model number, lot number, and a number called the “TC Approved” number that can be used to search for masks in the approved list. CDC has I created an infographic Displays the print to be searched for by N95.
The legitimate KN95 must also be stamped with a text containing the manufacturer’s name, model, and “GB2626-2019” which is a reference to the quality control standards approved by the Chinese government. (If the GB number of the mask ends in 2006, this is the previous standard. Check the expiration date.)
The KF94 is not engraved with the text, but the packaging must say “Made in Korea” and include the product name, manufacturer, and distributor’s name. Each mask should be individually packaged in a flat, shiny rectangular wrapper with a textured border. The expiration date and lot number are printed on the package. (All statically charged masks have an expiration date.) If the mask is from a Korean importer, the package information will be in Korean, but many companies make English packages. I’m starting.
Use a trusted source.
Many resources have been created to help people navigate the mask purchasing process. Project N95 A non-profit organization known for mask supplier reviews. Mask geek Collins has created a number of lists and resources for mask buyers.You can check him Twitter feedhis YouTube channel When Spreadsheet He created nearly 450 different masks and showed how they worked in his tests.
Collins may be best known on his list Children’s mask.. N95 masks for children are not approved in the United States, but mask makers in China and South Korea are making KN95 and KF94 for children, including colors and prints for children.Created by Collins Video “Introduction to Parents” About finding high quality masks for kids with over 100,000 views.
“I have retired from the mask test,” Collins said, noting that he received no compensation for his work. “But I came out of retirement to do a video of my kid. Unfortunately, I was the only one who saw the list of test data.”
A guide is available on Wirecutter, a product review site owned by The New York Times. To buy high quality masks,One Buying a mask for children When List of 12 danger signals It may indicate that your mask is fake.
Do your research.
It’s not easy, but the CDC has several lists that you can use to verify that your mask has been scrutinized. Note: If you can’t find a particular mask, make sure you’ve looked it up the right way, said Anne Miller, executive director. Project N95.. For example, the Gerson N95 mask is not under the letter “G”.this is Listed under “L” Because the full name of the company that makes it is Louis M. Garson.
For N95 masks, visit the CDC alphabetical list. NIOSH approved respirator.. You can also search using the TC approval number List of certified devices..
For KN95 masks, two checklists from the Food and Drug Administration are available. The FDA created these lists early in the pandemic. At this time, the FDA issued an emergency use authorization to allow healthcare professionals to use the KN95 mask due to the lack of N95. Due to the sufficient supply of N95, the agency has revoked the permits of these workers, but others can continue to use KN95. The list is a bit out of date, but finding a mask gives you the peace of mind that it’s less likely to be counterfeited. However, none of these companies are officially monitored by the United States. You need to scroll down to find the list and search box.
Use this FDA list To find a KN95 mask made in China, and This list For KN95 masks made in other countries.
Chin You Young Contributed to this report.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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