Cancer studies show that hormone therapy and pelvic lymph node treatment improve survival-Science Daily
A combination of androgen deprivation therapy (a commonly used hormone injection) and pelvic lymph node radiation has suppressed nearly 90% of prostate cancer in clinical trials for 5 years, according to a study that changes the practice of Cedars-Sinai Cancer. rice field.The findings were published in a peer-reviewed journal. Lancet..
The study also shows that patients with prostate cancer who have not received androgen deprivation therapy and have not received pelvic lymph node radiation therapy have a 70% 5-year survival rate.
“We have confirmed that pelvic lymph node treatment in combination with androgen deprivation therapy or as a monotherapy option significantly improves outcomes for patients with postoperative prostate cancer,” said Dr. Howard Sandler. Said. Senior Author of Radiation Oncology and Research for Cedars Sinai Cancer. “These discoveries are an encouraging step for the medical community as well as for patients and their loved ones seeking treatment options.”
The international phase III clinical trial that underpinned Lancet The study enrolled 1,716 patients between March 31, 2008 and March 30, 2015. The registrants were divided into three groups.
Group 1 received salvage prostate bed radiation therapy. This is standard radiation therapy for areas where the prostate was present before surgical resection. The median 5-year survival rate for these patients was 71%.
The second group received standard radiation therapy in combination with androgen deprivation therapy. The median 5-year survival rate was 81%.
The third group received salvage prostate bed radiation therapy and androgen deprivation therapy When Pelvic lymph node radiation. These patients were free for 5 years from over 87% progression.
“The combination therapy approach has proven to be the most beneficial approach,” said Sandler, Ronald H. Bloom Family Chair in Cancer Treatment and Professor of Radiation Oncology at Cedars Sinai.
Prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer in the United States and affects 1 in 6 to 7 men. There are rarely signs of early warning of the disease, but there are powerful screening tests that can be detected in the early stages of the disease. Diagnosis is usually accompanied by elevated levels of PSA, an acronym for prostate-specific antigen.
Many men diagnosed with prostate cancer undergo prostatectomy (surgical resection of the prostate). After surgery, men’s PSA levels should be near zero. However, some men begin to see elevated PSA levels years after surgery. This usually indicates that radiation therapy is needed.
As Sandra suggests, men with postoperative prostate cancer are given radiation, especially early (at the lowest PSA levels), in combination with proven treatments, as suggested by this new study. If so, it can lead to excellent results.
“Improvement and extension of life is central to everything we do at Cedars-Sinai Cancer,” said Dan Theodorescu, MD, PhD, director of Cedars-Sinai Cancer, Distinguished Chair and Professor of Surgery and Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the PHASE ONE Foundation. .. “These critical clinical findings exemplify our mission, showing how ideas spur cutting-edge research and therapeutic innovation.”
Financing: This work was funded by grants U10CA180868 (NRG Oncology Operations), U10CA180822 (NRG Oncology Statistics and Data Management Center), UG1CA189867 (NCORP), and U24CA180803 (Imaging and Radiation Oncology Core).
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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