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New study: 1 in 5 adult COVIDs-19 survivors have long COVIDs

New study: 1 in 5 adult COVIDs-19 survivors have long COVIDs


  • The new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that long COVID-19 is more common than most people are aware of.
  • One in five adults under the age of 65 infected with COVID-19 has a long COVID.
  • Studies have shown that common long COVID symptoms were respiratory problems and pain in bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, or muscles.

    A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Long COVID It’s more common than most people understand. The studyAnnounced earlier this week, one in five adults under the age of 65 was found to be in this condition.

    In this study, researchers analyzed about 2 million electronic medical records and compared those who were diagnosed with COVID-19 during the first 18 months of the pandemic with those who had never been infected with the virus.Researchers have searched for 26 different symptoms that may be associated with long COVID and found the most common symptoms. Long COVID symptoms Respiratory problems and musculoskeletal pain, namely bone, joint, ligament, tendon, or muscle pain.

    Researchers found that between 30 and 365 days after people were diagnosed with COVID-19, 38% developed one or more new health problems (did not have COVID-19). Compared to 16% of people who see a doctor). Among people over the age of 65, 45% who had COVID-19 developed new health problems, while 19% of those who did not have the virus did.

    Researchers have found that people over the age of 65 who are infected with COVID-19 have a 20% to 120% higher risk of long-term COVID symptoms than those who have never been infected with the virus. People between the ages of 18 and 64 have an up to 110% increased risk of developing most of the symptoms of long COVID.

    “These discoveries aren’t surprising at all,” says Thomas Russo, MD, a professor at the University at Buffalo at the University of New York and responsible for infectious diseases. “This will be the next stage of the pandemic. It’s clear that the long COVID is real. A significant portion of the individual has been affected and has been around for quite some time.”

    It is important to note that the CDC analysis does not take into account the COVID-19 vaccination status, Another large study Vaccinated, announced Wednesday, reduces the risk of prolonged COVID by only about 15%.But research has shown its existence Vaccination It appears to reduce the risk of lung and blood clot damage.

    Aside from the vaccination situation, many scientists are still unaware of the particularly long COVID. But there are some answers. This is what experts now know.

    What is a long COVID?

    The long COVID, also known as post-COVID-19 condition, is to represent a variety of new, relapsed, or ongoing health problems that people experience after being first infected with the COVID-causing virus SARS-CoV-2. A comprehensive term used. 19, according to CDC..

    According to the CDC, there are no long COVID tests, and symptoms can overlap with those of other health problems, making diagnosis difficult.

    What are the potential long-term effects of COVID-19?

    There is a list of possible laundry Symptoms of long COVID..Around CDCMost commonly include:

    • Fatigue and fatigue that interfere with daily life
    • Symptoms that worsen after physical or mental effort
    • heat
    • Dyspnea or shortness of breath
    • cough
    • Chest pain
    • Fast beating or throbbing heart
    • Difficulty in thinking and concentration
    • Sleep problems
    • Dizziness when standing up (lightheadedness)
    • Numbness
    • Changes in smell and taste
    • Depression and anxiety
    • diarrhea
    • Stomach pain
    • Joint and muscle pain
    • rash
    • Changes in the menstrual cycle

      However, these can be symptoms of a variety of other health conditions, and when things get tricky, Amesh A. Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Health and Security Center, an infectious disease expert, said. I am saying. “It’s important to actually describe which symptoms actually go awry and interfere with activities in daily life compared to those who have a cough that persists after infection,” he says. “Many of the long COVID studies do not use controls, so it is not possible to actually determine the true prevalence of some symptoms.”

      Why are older people at higher risk of long COVID?

      Studies did not investigate this, but Dr. Russo speculates that it is likely because older people are at greater risk. Severe COVID-19.. “Even if you have a mild illness that is asymptomatic or does not lead to hospitalization, it does not rule out the possibility of developing long-term COVID,” he says. “But most studies suggest that the more severe your illness, the higher your risk of developing a long COVID.”

      A CDC study found that people over the age of 65 were at increased risk of developing neurological and mental health. “Post-COVID conditions that affect the nervous system are of particular concern as they can lead to early entry into support services or investment of additional resources in care,” the researchers write.

      How long will the protracted symptoms last after COVID-19 until it is considered a long COVID?

      There are various definitions of this, Dr. Russo said, with some defining COVID to be long at least 30 days after COVID diagnosis and having symptoms, while others taking up to 90 days. increase.

      (For its value, CDC He states that a long COVID can be diagnosed at least four weeks after someone becomes infected with COVID-19. )

      “We need a unified definition for research purposes so that we can define the population and move forward,” says Dr. Russo.

      As for how long the COVID symptoms last, Dr. Russo says it really depends. “Some people have been symptomatic for over a year at this point,” he says.

      If you have unusual symptoms and your COVID appears to be long, Dr. Russo recommends conducting a survey to find the nearest specialized center to treat these conditions. “The number of recovery centers after COVID is increasing,” he says. And if you can find current studies of people with your long COVID symptoms, he suggests trying to be included. “Not only does it allow you to be part of the solution, but you can also be at the forefront of some treatments,” he says.

      This article is accurate at the time of the press. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic progresses rapidly and the scientific community gains a better understanding of the new coronavirus, some information may have changed since the last update. We aim to keep all the stories up to date, CDC, WHOAnd yours Local Public Health Service To keep up to date with the latest news. Always consult your doctor for professional medical advice.

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