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Saskatoon’s Emergency Medical Corps last year provided about five times the dose of naloxone in 2019: EMS provider

Saskatoon’s Emergency Medical Corps last year provided about five times the dose of naloxone in 2019: EMS provider


According to a company that provides emergency medical services in Saskatchewan, Saskatoon’s emergency medical team last year administered the drug overdose antidote naloxone more than 609 times.

According to Troy Davies, director of public relations at Medavie Health Services West, this is almost five times the dose of 132 doses of naloxone (also sold under the brand name Narcan) given in 2019.

“These numbers are very alarming. When our emergency medical team manages Narkan, this means the patient is in crisis,” Davis said on Wednesday. Said in the news release of Medical Services Week.

“The increased stress on emergency care when dealing with these critical patients will increase quickly.”

Medavie figures do not include naloxone doses given by police, firefighters, or bystanders.

Kayla De Mong, executive director of Saskatoon’s nonprofit Prairie Harm Reduction, said these are more than just statistics.

“They are children of people, family and friends …. We are losing more people here than we have ever seen,” De Mong said.

“When we talk about people who use substances, there is a real human factor of getting lost.”

Kayla DeMong is Executive Director of Prairie Harm Reduction. (Submitted from Kayla De Mong)

Davis said there are no drug overdose hotspots in Saskatoon, and overdose calls come from across the city.

He said rescuers are currently stocking ambulances with Narkan kits to distribute to bystanders when answering overdose calls.State says it Distributed over 29,000 Since the program started in 2015, you can take your naloxone kit home with you.

Naloxone can temporarily reverse the respiratory delay caused by opioid overdose and can be injected or given as a nasal spray.

DeMong is not surprised by the increasing demand for opioid overdose antidotes.

“We know that fentanyl is coming to our state more and more, and COVID is also damaging the drug supply,” she said.

The state states that it has distributed more than 29,000 takeaway naloxone kits since 2015. (Dan McGarvey / CBC)

She wants to start implementing recommendations from state-consigned community consultations, and the results are Released earlier this year..

A Task force created in 2017 Investigate the state’s risk of death from drug overdose, heard from people who pointed out the need to reduce the waiting list for addiction and mental health services and increase the capacity and time of detoxification, treatment and aftercare centers.

The Task Force also heard requests for non-criminalization of drugs, access to safe drug supplies, and support for harm reduction services, including monitored consumption areas.

DeMong said these recommendations save lives and money.

“By not investing in services such as harm reduction and safe consumption areas and not having the full range of services readily available to those who use substances, we spend billions of dollars each year on the state. I’m calling, “she said.

“By refraining from these sources and not investing in our community, taxpayers are spending more and more money each year to support the costs of hospital visits, emergency rooms, emergency medical care, police and firefighting. increase.”




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