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Michigan’s tick season is underway

Michigan’s tick season is underway


Grand Rapids, Michigan — The tick season is in full swing in Michigan. There may be a variety of mites out there, but health officials told Fox 17 that people only need to worry about deer ticks.

“When we talk about human tick bite prevention, we mainly talk about black feet or deer ticks. They are big and very noticeable, not dog ticks,” said Rose, a pediatric infectious disease expert. Dr. Marie Olivero said. At Helendevos Children’s Hospital. “So when we’re talking about tick bite prevention, we’re talking about deer tick prevention.”

Dr. Oliver said deer ticks carry Lyme disease. They are as small as poppy seeds and are difficult to find.

“Most of the nymph’s black-footed mites are now occurring around June or July,” said MDHHS entomologist Emily Dinh. “Nymph black-footed mites are much smaller than adult mites, so they are more likely to stay and be aware of humans.”

She said that the more they go unnoticed, the longer they can stay in the person and the more likely they are to get Lyme disease.

But if someone gets infected, health officials said they would get rid of it immediately.

“I want to use tweezers and I want to get as close to my skin as possible,” said Dr. Olivero. “I would like to use tweezers on my head that bites my skin. Then I push it down slowly so that I can remove the mouthpiece and pull it back slowly with sufficient tension.”

Dr. Oliver said the transmission could occur within 48 hours. The bite mark first turns into a pink ridge, later turns red, then a bullseye. However, there is a cure for it.

“Most pediatricians and family doctors, emergency rooms, emergency rooms, and if there is sufficient evidence that deer ticks have occurred for more than two days, we will provide a single dose of antibiotics that will actually help prevent Lyme disease. From the outbreak, “Dr. Olivero said. “The sooner a single dose of antibiotics is, the better. This is a strategy that has been proven in New England to actually reduce the incidence of Lyme disease by a significant amount.”

Dr. Oliver said tick repellents may work. However, the best way to avoid tick bites is to wear proper clothing in wooded areas and tall grasslands, such as long-sleeved shirts and trousers.

Din added that the best gardens around people’s homes are tidy.

“I definitely recommend getting rid of things like brush piles and leaf piles,” Din said. “It was a relatively consistent variable that could contribute to the ticks around the house that I can see from science.”




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