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EU pursues intensive purchase of monkeypox vaccine and antiviral drug

EU pursues intensive purchase of monkeypox vaccine and antiviral drug


The European Commission is promoting the intensive purchase of antiviral drugs and vaccines to be deployed against monkeypox as the number of cases of monkeypox continues to increase and countries are competing for orders.

The deal is expected to close as early as next week, people said, targeting US pharmaceutical company Siga Technologies’ antiviral tecovirimat (Tpoxx) and Danish group Bavarian Nordic’s smallpox vaccine Imvanex. ..

Monkeypox causes fever and skin lesions, which usually heals without treatment, but has been detected outside the western and central parts of Africa for the past few weeks and is endemic. According to the World Health Organization, smallpox vaccines are up to 85% effective in preventing monkeypox infections due to the similar pathogens.

The Financial Times on Tuesday reported that EU authorities are seeking centralized procurement of smallpox vaccines amid a surge in orders and a relatively limited supply. The Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter reported on Friday that the deal was underway and grew to include antivirals. Reuters..

On Friday, the Commission, after the unit reached a “wide agreement” to “coordinate behavior,” its health emergency preparedness and response authorities worked with member states and pharmaceutical companies to combat monkeypox. I confirmed that I was there. Procure medicine On their behalf.

“It’s important to remember that monkeypox vaccination is limited to very specific cases, as the virus’s infectivity and risk are not comparable to Covid-19,” said the company involved. I am saying without.

One person familiar with the matter added that the contract has not yet been finalized, saying that “thousands” of doses could be initially contracted and could increase further in the future. The price is unknown.

According to the research project Our World in Data, as of Thursday, 329 confirmed cases of monkeypox have been reported worldwide. The UK Health and Safety Agency also said on Friday that 101 cases have been detected in the UK since May 7.

On Friday, WHO Head of Infectious Disease Control, Sylvie Bryan, said the outbreak could be contained in a delegation in Geneva. “Now, with the right measures, we can easily contain this,” she said.

Shiga didn’t comment immediately. Bayern Nordic declined to comment.

Smallpox was eradicated over 40 years ago. However, vaccine stockpiles are maintained to protect against possible recurrence of the disease.

In an interview this week, Andrea Ammon, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Europe, said the amount of smallpox vaccine available in Europe is unknown. She added that a survey conducted in 2018 gave “qualitative rather than quantitative answers” and was never published.

Those who are aware of this issue said EU authorities are mapping the availability of Imvanex shares.

Ammon emphasized that no mass vaccination campaign similar to that for Covid was planned. “It’s true that we’re not at the population level as we are at Covid,” she said. She added that the benefits of jabs and the risks weighed against them would be assessed individually by the treating physician.

Ammon revealed that he hopes the outbreak will spread. “I don’t know how far it will go or how big it will be,” she said, adding that it is “very likely” to spread to different parts of the world.




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