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Regions in the Richmond region enter the high COVID-19 community level under the CDC data tracker

Regions in the Richmond region enter the high COVID-19 community level under the CDC data tracker


Richmond, Virginia (WWBT)-Health leaders recommend indoor masking in areas with high COVID-19 community levels, including the Richmond area, as cases of COVID-19 continue to grow across central Virginia. I am.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s COVID Data Tracker, Richmond, Henrico, Chesterfield, Hanover, New Kent, and Goochland fall into the high COVID-19 community level. Prince George, Powhatan, Amelia, and Luisa are in the medium level, while Petersburg and Dinwidy are in the low level.

Health leaders say these levels are determined by examining the total number of beds, hospitalizations, and new COVID-19 cases used for COVID-19 in the community.

Catlong of the Richmond Henrico Health District said that Omicron and subvariants are the reason for seeing an increase in cases.

“It’s easy to spread from person to person, but the disease tends to be less serious,” Long said. “Even if it causes a less serious illness, the fact that more people can get it because it is more contagious still has some impact on high hospitalization and hospital burden. May give. “

For those who live, work or visit these high-level areas, health leaders are advised to wear masks indoors in public, regardless of vaccination status. To do. Long is also advised to keep up to date with the vaccine, obtain booster immunity if eligible, and be tested if symptoms begin to appear.

“We encourage people to improve ventilation in indoor spaces,” Long said.

If you are planning to travel to areas with high COVID-19 community levels for your anniversary, Long encourages people to do outdoor activities.

High COVID-19 community levels occur months after masking restrictions begin to be relaxed in a small number of cases.

Since the start of the 2020 pandemic, Richmond’s Philly Vegan has maintained the COVID-19 protocol, including indoor masking, to protect employees and customers.

“This is a precautionary measure that can be used to ensure the safety of staff and communities,” he said.

With the increasing number of COVID-19 cases, Long also said the Richmond Henrico Health District will increase the availability of free COVID-19 PCR test events.

“We will make sure we still have enough capacity, continue to monitor and increase capacity as needed,” she said.

Long also recommends providing a COVID test at home in case it is needed.Can request Free test here Or take a free COVID home test at Broad Rock, East End, Ginter Park, Main Library, and Richmond Public Library on North Avenue.

For more information on COVID testing from the Richmond Henrico Health District, click here.

Copyright2022WWBT. all rights reserved.

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