How Monkeypox Spreads in Sacramento County
Millions of people celebrating holiday weekends have some concerns about the epidemic of monkeypox. The virus has occurred in more than 12 countries, including the United States, and this week the second suspected case was identified in Sacramento County. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that the first case in California was in the county and was from a person who recently traveled to Europe. It has nothing to do with local doctors who say that the transmission of the virus is very difficult. “This is Dr. Vanessa Walker, who sat down at KCRA3 to eat at the restaurant next door, go to the grocery market, and even discuss the facts about the lethal and contagious nature of monkeypox. Walker explained that the virus is transmitted by “very close contact.” For example, the skin and skin come into contact with open blisters and infected pain. Handles the bed of a person infected with the virus. Infected people drop particles on their mouths and eyes. Mucosal CDCs, the World Health Organization, and local physicians state that monkeypox is 1-10% lethal, depending on the strain. Walker noted that current strains are in the 1% range of case fatality rates in developing countries, and explained that from an infection perspective, monkeypox people are infected on average less than one. .. Walker states that every 15 infected people are more likely to be infected when compared to the current transmission of the COVID-19 mutant. There are vaccines to treat it, and antivirals that can be used for it. This is not a COVID and will not spread around the world or disrupt our daily lives. “Walker said. Video below | Monkeypox survivors of Wisconsin recall the outbreak in 2003 WHO explains that monkeypox and smallpox come from the same viral family, but the CDC spreads the two at different rates, It states that the case fatality rates are very different. Smallpox was declared eradicated worldwide in 1980 for the smallpox vaccine. Officials say people who received the smallpox vaccine increased their immunity to monkeypox. People who have been vaccinated against smallpox were usually born before the 1970s. In 1971, the US Public Health Department’s Surgeon General stopped regular smallpox vaccinations of American children. Health officials in Sacramento County say both individuals diagnosed with monkeypox are quarantined in their homes. According to the county health authorities, the symptoms to watch out for are: Swelling of the lymph nodes, flu-like symptoms, or a new rash. Video below | Dr. Kasilier, Sacramento County Public Health Officer, talks about a possible case of monkeypox
Millions of people celebrating holiday weekends have some concerns about the epidemic of monkeypox.
The virus has occurred in more than 12 countries, including the United States, and this week The second suspicious case was identified in Sacramento County. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed California’s first case From someone who was in the county and recently traveled to Europe.
However, this case has nothing to do with local doctors who say the virus is very difficult to spread.
“This is something you can’t get by just eating at the restaurant next door, going to a grocery store, or taking the subway or bus,” said Dr. Vanessa Walker, who sat down at KCRA3. .. He discusses the facts about the lethal and contagious nature of monkeypox.
“There are many other concerns right now, but this is definitely not one of them,” Walker said.
Walker explained that the virus is transmitted through “very close contact” as follows:
- Skin-to-skin contact with open blisters or infected pain
- Handling of bedding for people infected with the virus
- Infected people drop particles on the mouth, eyes, and other mucous membranes
According to the CDC, the World Health Organization, and local doctors, monkeypox has a case fatality rate of 1-10%, depending on the strain. Note that the current strain is in the 1% range. This is the case fatality rate of developing countries.
From a contagious point of view, Walker explained that on average, less than one person with monkeypox is infected. Compare it with the infectivity of the current COVID-19 mutant. This is likely to be 15 infections per infected person, Walker said.
“This is a virus we have known for 60 years. We have a vaccine to study it and treat it. We have an antiviral drug that can be used for it. It’s not a COVID and it won’t spread or get confused all over the world. Our daily life, “Walker said.
Video below | Wisconsin monkeypox survivors recall the 2003 outbreak
WHO explains that monkeypox and smallpox come from the same viral family, but the CDC states that the two spread at different rates and have significantly different case fatality rates.
Smallpox was declared eradicated worldwide in 1980 for the smallpox vaccine.
Medical personnel say that people who received the smallpox vaccine increased their immunity to monkeypox. People who have been vaccinated against smallpox were usually born before the 1970s. In 1971, the head of the US Public Health Department stopped vaccination of American children with smallpox on a regular basis.
Health officials in Sacramento County say both individuals diagnosed with monkeypox are quarantined in their homes.
According to county health officials, symptoms to watch out for are swollen lymph nodes, flu-like symptoms, or new rashes.
| The following video | Dr. Kasilier, Sacramento County Public Health Officer, talks about a possible case of monkeypox
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