Prevalence of hepatitis C in the United States
Hepatitis C is a serious but common infection that can affect individuals of all ages and genders. Hepatitis C virus or HCV can attack the liver and cause long-term health problems, including cirrhosis, insufficiency, or cancer.
as a whole, Hepatitis C Infectious diseases gain.. However, prices vary by state, age group, biological gender, race and ethnicity. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) We report the incidence of hepatitis C virus as a new case per 100,000 people every year.
Continue reading to learn more about the prevalence of hepatitis C, including information on which populations are most at risk and US statistics.
The prevalence of hepatitis C varies by region, age group, biological gender, and ethnicity.
Seven states, including Florida, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and California, had the highest number of reported acute cases, accounting for more than 50% of the national burden of acute hepatitis C that year.
The reported incidence of acute hepatitis C has increased in all age groups over the age of 20 since 2010.
20-29 years old
Race and ethnicity
Acute hepatitis C infection rate in 2019
- Blacks, non-Hispanics: 0.7 cases per 100,000 population
- White, non-Hispanic: 1.4 cases per 100,000 population
- Hispanic: 0.6 cases per 100,000 population
The person who injects the medicine
People who inject drugs are at increased risk of developing hepatitis C. It has been shown that the number of new cases of people in this group among people aged 18-40 has been steadily increasing since 2013.
As a result, the government is trying to reduce these rates by 2025. However, to reach the 2025 target of 1.7 cases per 100,000 population, a 39.3% reduction from the 2019 figure is required.
Medical facility
The majority of these outbreaks (22) occurred in the hemodialysis setting, causing 104 hepatitis C infections. Other outbreaks — 16 — occurred in outpatient and long-term care facilities, resulting in 134 cases of hepatitis C infection.
The remaining 4 outbreaks were due to the diversion or misuse of prescription drugs issued to hepatitis C patients, resulting in 90 cases.
Hepatitis C virus spreads through blood-to-blood contact.this
The “baby boomer generation” refers to an individual born between 1945 and 1965. 5 times more likely Hepatitis C is more common than others. The overwhelming majority (75%) of adults with hepatitis C have been born in the last 20 years.
Doctors do not fully understand the reason for this high rate. However, it may be due to receiving an infected blood product before extensive screening began in 1992 or engaging in behavior that may have adverse consequences.
People can carry the virus for years before symptoms appear. Therefore, it can be difficult for a doctor to determine when and how an individual was infected with the virus.
Hepatitis C
Expert Quote Approximately 2.4 million people live in this state, but the actual number could be as high as 4.7 million. More than half of these individuals are asymptomatic and unaware that they are infected.
Hepatitis C virus can cause acute or chronic infections. In acute hepatitis C, the infection is short-term and the symptoms last within 6 months. In some cases, the individual can get rid of the infection and is no longer positive.
That said, the surroundings 50-80% The proportion of people with acute hepatitis C continues to develop chronic infections. This form of hepatitis is a long-term infection that the body cannot fight. As a result, chronic hepatitis C can cause chronic liver disease. Cirrhosis, Liver failureAlso Liver cancer Without proper diagnosis and treatment.
In the same year, they also recorded a total of 137,713 new cases of chronic hepatitis C, with the majority of 63.1% being male. Most cases are people aged 20-39 and 50-69, with baby boomers accounting for 36.3% of new cases.
According to the latest
The following table shows the reported number of cases of acute hepatitis C per 100,000 people in the United States state in 2019, and the prevalence of this condition is high.
With the exception of Kentucky, infection rates in the above states are higher than in the previous year’s report year.
In addition, in certain states or jurisdictions, resource limitations and the actual number of reported cases can cause significant fluctuations in annual incidence.
Hepatitis B Pretty More general More than hepatitis C, which affects more than 292 million people worldwide. It also causes more liver-related cancers and deaths than hepatitis C.
Hepatitis B is 5 to 10 times more infectious than hepatitis C.
There are various strains of hepatitis virus,
Hepatitis B and C can cause chronic illness and are a common cause of cirrhosis and cancer.
Hepatitis C is a serious infection that can lead to liver failure and liver cancer. People can get it from blood and blood contact with infected people. Therefore, the ones who are most at risk are those who inject medicines.
Prices vary by state, biological gender, age, race or ethnicity. In general, infection rates are increasing in all groups and locations.
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