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Monkeypox is not Covid.This is the reason

Monkeypox is not Covid.This is the reason


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At first glance, all the news seems a little too familiar.

An outbreak of a new virus has been detected. It begins to spread from country to country and around the world on a case-by-case basis. Health authorities take action, track infections, and issue guidance.

Two years after the winding Case of monkeypox The world is regaining some bad memories of early 2020 when it first noticed Covid-19.

However, health professionals have become clear since the first case occurred. Outbreak of monkeypoxThe two illnesses are very different and do not have the same alarm causes as they did two years ago.

“This is not Covid,” said Dr. Jennifer McQuiston, veterinarian and deputy director of the CDC’s Department of High-Results Pathogens and Pathology, in a statement last week.

US President Joe Biden I tried to break the link between the two illnesses In the hearts of the people. “I don’t think it goes up to the level of concern that existed in Covid-19,” Biden told reporters on his recent trip to Tokyo. She changed a lot from the comment she said the day before, “Everyone cares.”

Of course, some leaders tried to calm the public when Covid-19 first appeared, but the virus was only involved in a once-in-a-generation pandemic.

So, to be precise, how is monkeypox different from Covid? And why are experts more relaxed about this outbreak?

Most importantly, monkeypox does not spread as easily as Covid-19. “The spread of breathing is not the main concern,” said Monkeypox. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is only passed between humans if they are in very close contact with the infected person, such as sharing clothes and bedding, saliva, etc.

The symptoms of monkeypox, especially the rash that normally appears on the human body, are also more detectable than the symptoms of Covid-19. Also, according to monkeypox, the asymptomatic spread that complicated the initial efforts to contain Covid has not been recorded in monkeypox. 2020 research.

“Monkeypox can be a serious infection,” said Michael Head, a senior researcher at Global Health at the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom, especially in low-income countries where tracking and treatment are not readily available. I told CNN last week.. No deaths from the current outbreak have been reported.

However, in developed countries, “it is very rare to see only a handful of cases at the time of outbreak, and no (Covid) -style infection levels are seen,” Head said.

But perhaps most importantly, monkeypox is not a new disease. Smallpox vaccines can be used to combat the virus, have extensive scientific research on how the disease works, and do not mutate as quickly as Covid-19.

So if the monkeypox headline brings your mind back to March 2020, it’s worth a blow.

“This is the virus we understand. We have a vaccine against it and we have a cure for it. And it spreads very differently from SARS-Cov-2-it Not as contagious as Covid-so I’m sure we can. Whitehouse Covid-19 Response Coordinator Dr. Ashishger told ABC’s Marsaladz on Sunday.

Q: Will Covid-19 be transmitted after treatment with Paxlovid?

A: A: People who have relapsed Covid-19 after being treated with the antiviral drug Paxrovid may still be contagious, but may not know it if they are not symptomatic.

Dr. Michael Charnes of the Department of Veterans Affairs in Boston said:

Charnes and his colleagues worked with a team of researchers at Columbia University to investigate a case of Covid-19 that recurred after treatment with Paxrovid. He said he found at least two cases where people transmitted the virus to others when the infection recurred.

Please send your question here.. Are you a healthcare professional fighting Covid-19? Please send us a message on WhatsApp about the challenges you are facing: +1347-322-0415.

Shanghai has finally “reopened”, but the trauma of the blockade continues

As skyscrapers were lit up, roads were filled with traffic, and fireworks were booming overhead, young people drank and danced on the streets.

As of Wednesday morning, most of Shanghai’s 25 million residents are free to leave the community, shops and office buildings can be reopened, cars are back on the streets, and subways and buses are reopening. ..

Shanghai celebrated Wednesday The long-awaited explosive life has blown as the government lifted the blockade of the entire city. However, the process of resumption can be slow and painful as residents of the financial hub have been struggling with trauma over the past two months.

Did Covid restrain your dating life?Date Night Makes a Successful Comeback

The pandemic may have seemed like a great opportunity to foster relationships with unlimited access to partners, non-stop unity, and ample time for intimacy.

But, as most of us know, the blockade had the opposite effect on romance. Living on top of each other, not changing pajamas, and sometimes not taking a shower was the epitome of not being sexy.

Sex therapist Madelyn Esposito-Smith said Covid-19 has “burned sexual desire” for couples living with him, removing all “conspiracy and mystery” and spending time alone as a “valuable item”. I said that I did.

Summer is approaching It’s time to get something back Perhaps unnoticed, we’re missing: a date night.

North Korea may reconsider its restrictions after claiming that the outbreak of Covid is improving

north korea That Covid-19 outbreak says According to the state media, it is improving and is considering revising the epidemic countermeasures regulations.

The KCNA reported on Sunday that Prime Minister Kim Jong Un and other senior officials described the pandemic situation as “improved” and discussed adjustments to containment measures.

Pyongyang reported more than 89,500 new “fever cases” and 106,390 recovery cases nationwide, but did not mention whether there were any additional deaths.

According to the KCNA, the country’s latest death toll was 69 at the end of last week. However, given the lack of independent reports within North Korea, the numbers are difficult to confirm and have long been skeptical of the country’s Covid report.

If you are suffering from a long Covid, please ease it

If you feel sick in the weeks following your Covid-19 infection, you need to take things slowly and be prepared to manage your expectations of what you can and cannot do.

Dr. Erica Spatz, an associate professor of cardiology at Yale School of Medicine, said a common complaint is that going out for a walk can make you feel terrible. When she returned to exercise, she suggested, “Start with a recumbent bike or rower for 5-10 minutes and add a few minutes each week.”

This “slow down” advice applies to all of Covid’s protracted effects, including cognition.

Please check this out for details.

While you’re probably on the beach or lake, you’ve probably experienced calm and well-being, but in reality, being close to the water has proven psychological and physical benefits. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s Chief Medical Correspondent, talks with environmental psychologist Matthew White about the science behind water and why we all need more blue space in our lives. Listen here..




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