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NSW pharmacists want a simpler approach to the “patchwork” scheme

NSW pharmacists want a simpler approach to the “patchwork” scheme


People using the Australian Pharmacy Guild will be refunded every night, but pharmacists using the MedAdvisor system will not receive payment until July 10.


Reichardt’s pharmacist, Christine Kelly, said she spent $ 10,000 to order 1000 additional vaccines before demand was expected to increase. Therefore, you will have to wait 6 weeks to recover the cost.

She was looking forward to being able to provide free flu shots, but she said waiting for reimbursement would be “quite annoying” for her small business.

RobRead, CEO of MedAdvisor, said he would need to use his existing monthly payment schedule to “catch up to tight timeframes” in the program. 90% of its vaccinated pharmacies in New South Wales have signed up to give free shots.

“Sure, it’s a quick recovery and, like any other policy implemented quickly, it will be accompanied by warts,” said David Hefernan, president of the New South Wales branch of the Australian Pharmacy Guild. I mentioned vaccination.


Heffernan agreed that it would always be “patchwork” and continued to discuss how to manage it in border areas. Victoria and Queensland each offer their own redemption programs.

In May, more than 21,000 influenza infections were reported in New South Wales. This is more than the total number of infections reported in the first five months of 2019.

Part of the increase was due to more extensive testing, and the COVID-19 PCR test now also returns influenza and influenza results. Common Pediatric Infectious Diseases RSV.. However, the increase in hospitalizations due to influenza-like illness suggests that the influenza season is in full swing.

Infectious diseases and ongoing high levels of COVID-19 infection (more than 300,000 cases in New South Wales in May) continue to burden Sydney’s emergency department this week.


There were 33 children waiting for care in an emergency after being evaluated by a triage nurse at a children’s hospital in Westmead at 5:30 pm on Monday. By 10 pm, 28 children were waiting in Westmead and 24 were waiting at the Sydney Children’s Hospital in Randwick.

“Like all emergency departments throughout New South Wales, the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network has seen a significant surge in people with flu-like symptoms in emergency departments,” said a pediatric hospital spokesman. .. “Children are prioritized based on clinical urgency and the most sick children are always seen first. Our staff makes every effort to meet all children as soon as possible. . “

Sutherland Hospital, in the south of the city, declared “Code Yellow” on Monday, allowing staff from other parts of the hospital to be dispatched to the emergency department to assist.

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