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As temperatures rise throughout the state, tick activity becomes more active

As temperatures rise throughout the state, tick activity becomes more active


(WJET / WFXP / — Pennsylvania is currently active in ticks as summer approaches and temperatures are getting warmer.

The Pa. TickResearchLabWeekly tick reports show that adult female black-footed (deer) ticks, adult American dog ticks, and nymph black-footed (deer) ticks are all currently at high levels throughout Pennsylvania. I am. The activity of ticks is slightly higher than mild.

The Pa. Tick ​​Research Lab Facebook page It emphasizes that the activity of nymph ticks is high throughout the state. Nymph black-footed mites are considered the most dangerous Due to its small size, it is useful for transmitting tick-borne diseases.

Tick ​​bites can cause illnesses like Lyme disease, but this year health officials warn about rare and dangerous illnesses — Deer mite virus (DTV).

According to the Pennsylvania Environmental Protection Agency (DEP), DTV was first discovered in March with high-level mites in multiple locations throughout the state.

Tips from Goodbye. DEP To stay safe outdoors:

  • Apply tick repellents, including Permethrin For clothing Insect repellent registered with EPA DEET etc. on exposed skin before going outdoors. Follow the instructions on the product label and reapply if necessary.
  • Put on a light-colored outerwear, put your shirt in your trousers, and put your trousers in your socks.
  • Walk in the center of the trail and avoid low-growth vegetation and brushy areas with tall grassy trees that may be home to mites.
  • When you get home, take off all your clothes, take a shower, put your clothes in a hot dryer and kill the remaining mites. Examine gear such as tick backpacks.
  • Use your hands or a full-length mirror to check for ticks throughout your body, including hidden areas such as the scalp, ears, armpits, navel, and between the legs.
  • Each time you return indoors, check for pets that may be exposed to tick habitat.
  • If you find mites on your skin, use tweezers to carefully remove them, including your head. Monitor your symptoms and contact your doctor if you have any questions.

You can do it Get rid of ticks By pulling up with tweezers. Then clean the area and hands. do not do Cover the mites with petrolatum, use heat to remove them, or wait for them to fall.

Pets can also get mites. Check for ticks before your pet returns inside. The Pa. TickResearchLab It is advisable to use a comb or brush to check for ticks on your pet’s fur. Anti-tick collars for pets, topical medications and oral contraceptives are also available.

Tips from Pa. TickResearchLab To keep your pet safe:

  • Treat bedding with permethrin: Use gloves and dry before touching.
  • Check for ticks regularly after going outdoors. Check your ears and armpits.
  • Treat your pet with an anti-tick drug or use an anti-tick color.
  • Talk to your veterinarian about a Lyme disease vaccine for dogs.

If you find a tick on you or your pet, you can submit it for testing By testing mites, you can determine if they are carriers of tick-borne disease.




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