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Coffee consumption may reduce the risk of acute kidney injury

Coffee consumption may reduce the risk of acute kidney injury


If you need another reason to start the day with Joe, a recent study by Johns Hopkins medical researchers found that drinking at least one cup of coffee a day reduces the risk of acute kidney injury (AKI). It became clear that there is a possibility of doing so. People who don’t drink coffee.

Survey results published in the journal on May 5 International Kidney ReportShows that those who drank any amount of coffee daily had a 15% lower risk of AKI, with the largest reduction observed in the group who drank 2-3 cups daily (22%).――――23% lower risk).

We already know that drinking coffee on a regular basis is associated with the prevention of chronic and degenerative diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and liver disease. You can now add the potential to reduce the risk of AKI to the list of health benefits of caffeine. “

Chirag Parikh, MD, Ph.D. is studying the corresponding author, director of nephrology, and professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

As explained by the National Kidney Foundation, AKI is “a sudden episode of renal failure or disorder that occurs within hours or days.” This causes waste products to accumulate in the blood, making it difficult for the kidneys to maintain the correct balance of fluid in the body.

Symptoms of AKI vary depending on the cause and include the following symptoms. There is too little urine coming out of the body. Swelling of the legs and ankles, and around the eyes; malaise; dyspnea; confusion; nausea; chest pain; in severe cases, seizures or coma. This disorder is most common in inpatients whose kidneys are affected by medical and surgical stress and complications.

Using data on the risk of atherosclerosis in a community study that is an ongoing study of cardiovascular disease in four communities in the United States, researchers were recruited between 1987 and 1989 with a median age of 54. We evaluated 14,207 year-old adults. Number of 8 ounces of coffee they consumed per day: 0, 1, 2 to 3, or 3 or more. During the study period, 1,694 cases of acute kidney injury were recorded.

Considering demographic characteristics, socioeconomic status, lifestyle impacts, and dietary factors, participants who consumed and did not consume coffee had a 15% lower risk of AKI. When adjusting for additional comorbidities such as blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), diabetic status, antihypertensive drug use, kidney function, those who drank coffee develop AKI compared to those who did not. The risk of doing so is reduced by 11%.

“Coffee seems to affect AKI risk because biologically active compounds in combination with caffeine, or caffeine itself, improve renal perfusion and oxygen utilization,” Parik said. say. “Good kidney function and resistance to AKI-depends on a stable blood supply and oxygen.”

More research is needed to define possible protective mechanisms for kidney coffee consumption, especially at the cellular level, says Parik.

“Caffeine is hypothesized to suppress the production of molecules that cause chemical imbalances and excessive oxygen use in the kidneys,” he explains. “Perhaps caffeine helps the kidneys maintain a more stable system.”

Parik and his colleagues say coffee additives such as milk, half-and-half, creamers, sugar and sweeteners can also affect the risk of AKI and need further investigation. In addition, the authors state that consumption of other types of caffeine beverages, such as tea and soda, should be considered a potential confounding factor. “>


Journal reference:

Tommerdahl, KL, et al. (2022) Coffee consumption may reduce the risk of acute kidney injury: the result of the risk of atherosclerosis in community studies. International Kidney Report.




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