Can pets have monkeypox?Experts explain risks to dogs, cats and other animals

The Outbreak of monkeypox It currently spans 10 states. However, monkeypox is not just a threat to humans. The virus can also infect animals, and experts say there are good reasons to keep pets in mind as the outbreak continues.
Monkeypox can affect animals, especially rodents
Yes, monkeypox can infect animals. However, the term “monkeypox” is actually a misnomer because monkeys are not a natural reservoir of the virus, said Dr. Jane Sykes of the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, who studies animal infectious diseases today. ..
“Monkeys can be infected (though they can be infected), but they are not necessarily animals associated with an ongoing infection,” said Epidemiology and Associate Professor, Master of Public Health Program at Cornell University. Dr. Isaac Weisfuse said today. Instead, the most likely natural reservoirs are African rodents, both experts said.
In fact, animals like these were at the root Outbreak of monkeypox in 2003 This has spread to an estimated 47 cases in 6 states. In that outbreak, investigators discovered that “African rodent transport was stored near prairie dogs,” Weisfuse explained. “And prairie dogs were then purchased as pets by Americans.” (The outbreak led to CDC restrictions About the import of African rodents that are still in use today. )
Looking at and studying 5 rodent species Published in 1976 He found that the virus was most likely to infect mice and rabbits, Sykes said. However, the study was done “a long time ago” and animals were infected with the virus by injecting it directly into the bloodstream. This is not how the virus usually spreads.
Still, the fact that so many rodents (domesticated or wild) can become infected with monkeypox is a real concern.
“It’s a concern, for example, because squirrels here and there can get endemic,” Weisfuse said. “Squirrels may not affect your health, but if people come into contact with them, they can reappear from them.”
If you have monkeypox, you need to isolate it from your pet
For the majority of pet owners, monkeypox really doesn’t have to be a concern. “At this point, I think the level of concern should be very close to zero,” Weissfuse said.
However, if you have been diagnosed with monkeypox, or if you are likely to have a case of monkeypox, public health agencies say you need to isolate yourself from others and, if possible, your pet.
Guidelines from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, UK Health and Security Agency And that European Disease Control Center Monkeypox patients are advised to stay away from home animals.
UKHSA states that human-to-pet transmission is most likely in rodents such as mice and rats, and people with monkeypox should keep such pets at home for at least 21 days. It is especially recommended to remove it temporarily from.
As the UKHSA points out, the evidence that the disease can spread to cats, dogs and other animals is less convincing than rodents. However, both the CDC and the European CDC state that it is best to avoid contact with all pets.
“We still don’t know the full range of possible infections,” Sykes explained. all An understandable pet. “But based on previous studies with the virus, these rodents are likely to be more susceptible than dogs and cats,” she said.
“We haven’t really shown that pets such as dogs and cats are susceptible to the virus,” Weissfuse said. “But it’s certainly not unthinkable that it could happen.”
How to keep you and your pet safe
Monkeypox may not be an imminent threat to most of our furry friends, but this outbreak is an opportunity to look back on many other diseases that are likely to be transmitted between animals and their owners. Will be provided, Sykes said.
Bacteria like Campylobacter jejuniWith the small parasite Giardia Even COVID-19 For example, it can spread between pets and people. And we cannot forget the threat of tick-borne diseases. People often encounter through pets..
Considering how often people and pets get sick with the same illness, don’t hesitate to disclose your recent illness to your vet, especially if your pet becomes wondering, Sykes said. rice field. It may be worth connecting your veterinarian to your GP to get a better idea of ​​the situation.
I know Animal and human health are very interrelated Thus, Sykes said it should remind us to take care of all of us.And that means that teamwork of public health professionals, veterinarians, ecologists, etc. will take “to help” Stop the spread of these types of diseases More in the future, “she said.
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