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Chronic migraine requires early diagnosis, timely attention, and lifestyle management, neurologists say.

Chronic migraine requires early diagnosis, timely attention, and lifestyle management, neurologists say.


One in seven suffers from migraine headaches, and chronic species affect 2 percent of the world’s population. Migraine is a manifestation of our stressful lifestyle, and the associated shooting pain can be as debilitating as acute physical injury. It is an attack that lasts from 4 hours to 3 days and is one of the most common causes of lost working hours and poor quality of life in 90% of patients.

However, with proper awareness, pain, and lifestyle management protocols, you can go through the phase. As part of Migraine Awareness Month, webinar experts discussed the need to identify signs, triggers and avoid reliance on painkillers. Most patients receive painful attacks once or twice a month. If the condition is chronic, individuals will have more frequent headaches. Chronic migraine headaches last for at least 15 days a month, for at least 3 months, and worsen for at least 8 days. Experts added that this is the second most disability condition in the world.

Headache disorders are one of the top 10 causes of disability and are some of the most frequent medical complaints. Almost everyone experiences headaches, at least 10% of adults worldwide can be disabled by headaches, and up to 3% live together for more days. No. Therefore, experts feel the need for early diagnosis and professional care.

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Dr. Anilben Kitachalam, a neurology and movement disorder consultant at Nanabati Max Super Specialty Hospital, said: India Express The migraine has always been widespread, but today there is growing awareness and knowledge about it. “As a result, more affected individuals are seeking medical help. Lifestyle issues, poor diet, and stress are increasing the number. Lack of exercise is another. It’s a factor, “he said.

However, he ruled out that migraines cause stroke. “Migraine generally does not cause stroke. In fact, the association between stroke and stroke is weak and some anecdotal reports have been pointed out. However, both migraine and stroke have similar symptoms. It is often confused or misdiagnosed because it shares. Abuse of drugs used to treat migraine attacks, such as drugs containing whipped horns and tryptan, is very rarely likely to cause a stroke. “The neurologist said.

According to the International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd Edition, headaches are divided into 14 categories, which are further subdivided. Therefore, it is essential to distinguish chronic migraine from other migraines. It usually starts with a less frequent headache that progresses to a more frequent pattern. Several other risk factors are associated with the progression of migraine pain to persistent pain.

“Chronic migraine headaches develop over time and are the result of factors such as obesity, overdose of caffeine, irregular sleep patterns, stress, and genetic predisposition,” said Dr. Benkita Chalam. He further emphasized how it affected more women than men. “Women are three times more affected by chronic migraine headaches than men. Women are usually the worst hit in their thirties, but the consequences of the number of days lost in debilitating pain can be enormous. This is due to changes in a hormone called estrogen that contributes to the development of chronic migraine in women. In childhood, migraine is more common in boys, but due to the effects of estrogen, it is present in women. The morbidity will increase, “he said in a speech at the Webiner.

Dr. Rishi Jain, AbbVie’s medical director, said chronic migraine headaches are poorly recognized and poorly treated. Timely diagnosis and proper supervision can significantly improve quality of life. Treatment of chronic migraine begins with managing lifestyle changes such as adopting an exercise plan, managing stress, maintaining hydration, and identifying triggers for headaches. It is important to keep a headache diary to help keep track of migraine attacks or headache details, such as possible triggers, duration, and severity. Dr. Jane advised that this diary was found to be useful in making a diagnosis.

Patients who frequently self-treat with analgesics or analgesics to treat episodes of headaches need to contact a professional neurologist early to avoid chronic headaches and substance abuse disorders. The house suggested.

(June is the month of headache and migraine awareness)




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