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“Sit down and move more” to reduce the risk of stroke

“Sit down and move more” to reduce the risk of stroke


Spending a lot of time on light intensity activities and reducing sedentary time was associated with reduced initial risk. stroke In a population-based study of middle-aged and older adults.

The study also found that relatively short-term, moderate to strenuous exercise was associated with a reduced risk of stroke.

Dr. Stephen P. Hooker, lead author of San Diego State University, commented: | Medscape Cardiology.. “This can be a tendency to sit for a short period of medium to active activity, a longer period of light activity, or a shorter period of light activity every day. All of this can make a difference. “

Hooker had previously found that moderate to strenuous exercise reduced the risk of stroke, but this study provides more information on light intensity activity and sedentary behavior, and the risk of stroke. explained.

“Our results suggest that we do not need to do chronic exercise to reduce the risk of stroke. It is beneficial to replace sedentary time with light intensity activity. A short walk, Get up from your desk and move around the house. Regular intervals. It helps reduce your risk of stroke, “Hooker said.

“Our message is basically to reduce the number of sittings and increase the amount of movement,” he added.

The research is Published online today JAMA network open..

The study involved 7607 Americans with no history of stroke and was oversampled from the “stroke belt” in the southeast. Regarding cohort studies..

Participants wore accelerometers to measure physical activity and sedentary behavior for seven consecutive days. The average age of an individual was 63 years. 54% were women and 32% were black.

An average of 7.4 years of follow-up resulted in 286 stroke cases.

The results showed that increased levels of physical activity were associated with a reduced risk of stroke.

For moderate to active activity, the highest tertile participants with a total daily time of moderate to active activity had a 43% lower risk of stroke compared to the lowest tertile participants. rice field.

In the current study, the amount of moderate to active activity associated with a significant reduction in stroke risk was approximately 25 minutes per day (3 hours per week).

Hooker said moderate to active activities include active walking, jogging, biking, swimming, tennis and soccer. “Doing this kind of activity for only 25 minutes a day reduced the risk of stroke by 43%. This is very feasible. You can just commute by bike and cover it here,” he said. rice field.

In terms of light intensity activity, those who had 4-5 hours of light activity daily had a 26% reduction in their risk of initial stroke compared to those who had less than 3 hours of light activity.

Hooker explained that examples of light activities include household chores such as vacuuming, washing dishes, or taking a gentle walk. “These activities do not require you to breathe, increase your heart rate, or sweat. They are activities of daily living and are relatively easy to do.”

However, he pointed out that light activity of 4-5 hours daily associated with reduced risk of stroke may be more difficult to achieve than moderate to active activity of 25 minutes. .. “

Long-term seizures that tend to sit are harmful

The study also showed that sedentary time was associated with a higher risk of stroke.

The author states that the time spent on sedentary behavior is interesting because most adults spend most of their waking hours on being physically inactive.

Participants in the highest tertile (13 hours / day or more) of sedentary time have a 44% risk of stroke compared to participants in the lowest tertile (less than 11 hours / day). It reports that it has increased. Adjusted for several covariates, including moderate to active activity.

“Even when controlling the amount of other physical activity, seizure-prone behavior is highly associated with the risk of stroke. Therefore, even if active, long seizures of seizure-prone behavior are detrimental.” Hooker commented.

They also found that seizures with longer seizure times (17 minutes or more at a time) were associated with a 54% higher risk of stroke than shorter seizures (less than 8 minutes).

“This suggests that it is beneficial to divide the duration of seizure behavior into shorter seizures,” Hooker said.

“If you spend the night watching TV on the couch, get up and walk around every few minutes, even if you’re sitting in front of your computer all day. Take a standing workstation, or at least regularly. Take a break and walk around, “he added.

This study was supported by grants from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and the National Institute on Aging (NIA). Additional funding was provided by an unlimited grant from the Coca-Cola Company. The author has not reported disclosure.

JAMA Netw Open.. Published online on June 3, 2022. Full text

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