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Consumer Health: Life after Cancer | Lifestyle

Consumer Health: Life after Cancer | Lifestyle


The National Cancer Survivor Day will be held on June 5th (Sun), which is a good opportunity to learn about life after cancer.

According to the American Cancer Society, one in three people is diagnosed with cancer and more than 16.9 million cancer survivors are alive today. Advances in cancer screening and treatment have improved survival rates for many types of cancer.

However, many cancer treatments come at the cost of side effects and permanent changes. As a cancer survivor, there are a few things to consider here.

Improve your long-term health

Beyond the initial recovery, you can take steps to improve your long-term health, which allows you to enjoy for years as a cancer survivor.

The recommendations for a healthy life for cancer survivors are the same as those for others.

• exercise.

• Eat a balanced diet.

• Maintain a healthy weight.

• Get a good night’s sleep.

• Reduce stress.

• Avoid smoking.

• Limit the amount of alcohol you drink.

These healthy lifestyle strategies can improve your well-being, improve your quality of life, and facilitate your transition to survival.

Late side effects of cancer treatment

As more people live longer after cancer treatment, more is becoming known about the late side effects of cancer treatment. These are side effects of cancer treatment that become apparent after the treatment is finished.

Late disorders of cancer treatment can result from any of the major types of cancer treatment, including chemotherapy, hormone therapy, radiation therapy, surgery, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy.

Cancer survivors may experience the aftereffects of cancer treatment years later. Not all people receiving cancer treatment suffer from their own sequelae, and some do not experience the sequelae of treatment. It is not clear whether sequelae are preventable or why some people experience sequelae and others do not.

Emotional management after cancer treatment

As a cancer survivor, you may have mixed feelings about completing your treatment plan. You, your friends, and your family all want to return to a more normal life, but it’s scary to leave the protective cocoons of the medical professionals who have supported you through treatment.

The risk of recurrence is common among cancer survivors. Although they may go for years without signs of illness, cancer survivors say that the idea of ​​recurrence is always with them. You may be worried that all the pain and pain are signs of a recurrence of your cancer.

Prolonged emotions of sadness and anger can interfere with your daily life. Feeling incomprehensible to others about your experience can lead to loneliness, and the urge to make up for lost time can be stressful.

All of these feelings are normal and common. Your body is not the only one recovering from cancer treatment. It also heals your heart.

Circle of support

Your friends and family can provide an important circle of support. However, navigating relationships can be a challenge for cancer survivors who are transitioning to life after treatment. Changes in responsibilities and roles during treatment can disrupt the dynamics within a relationship. Emotional reactions and differences in expectations can be upset.

One way for cancer survivors to prepare for relationship difficulties is to anticipate these problems and plan accordingly.

Life after cancer

Diagnosis of cancer can change your life forever. It is important to remember that each person finds a unique way to deal with the emotional and physical changes that cancer causes.


© 2022 Mayo Clinic News Network.visit Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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