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Health officials warn when California’s economy resumes


San Francisco

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As California reported its highest daily infection rate on Tuesday, San Francisco Bay County health officials, the most active in the country by shutting down its economy to delay the spread of coronaviruses, said: Anxious” warning of growing infections Hospitalization for viruses is increasing.

The State Department of Public Health recorded more than 5,000 new cases on Tuesday, with a total of 183,000 positive cases. The state has seen more than 5,500 deaths associated with COVID-19.

Record numbers and warnings are spurred by angry residents sick of staying at home and socially distant orders as more businesses reopen across the state. It was Part of the Bay Area’s strict discipline in mid-March, San Francisco plans to open an outdoor bar, nail salon, hair salon, and tattoo shop next week.

Health officials said they were always expecting an increase in the number of cases as the economy restarted, but fear that the trend may be out of control.

“The question of how we’re doing as a country is we’re not doing well. What’s we doing as a state? It’s not doing. What we’re doing as a region. Not doing well.” Tuesday, Santa Clara County Executive officer Jeffrey Smith. One of the widely cited model projects, doctor Smith said, is that 15,000 Californians could die by October 1.

Home to Silicon Valley, Santa Clara County is the earliest known In February, it was associated with death in the country and served as an early virus hotspot. Dr Sarah Cody, a county public health official, shows that home-staying order flattened the curve of new infections, but “anxious” signs are accelerating.

The county recorded the second-highest number of new daily incidents in the state on Tuesday, with more incidents occurring at workplaces such as construction sites and food processing centers, she said.

“I mentioned earlier that the COVID-19 is like a wildfire. When it’s small, you can suppress it, but once the COVID transmission begins to accelerate, it’s very difficult to suppress and slow it down.” I think that’s what’s happening in many parts of the country.”

The number of people hospitalized with coronaviruses in California has skyrocketed every few days in the past, and is now about 3,900, with Governor Gavin Newtham following the Bay Area leaders and home to Californians in mid-March. The highest rate because I ordered to be in. ..

Due to the increasing number of cases, Yosemite National Park has reversed the course of reopening the campsite until July, two weeks after the visitor resumes.

With the country’s most populous counties, Southern California remains a pandemic stubborn hotspot.

On Tuesday, Los Angeles County reported 34 new deaths of COVID-19 and nearly 2,400 new cases. Currently about 1,500 are hospitalized, well below the peak when more than 1,900 are hospitalized each day, but still more than the 1,350-1450 hospitalization per day for the past few weeks.

Last week, Newsom ordered Californians to wear face covers when in public, adding to resistance from residents who believed the emergency was over. On Monday he begged the Californians to take the virus seriously and wear a mask.

In Orange County, a large number of residents spoke for more than an hour at a supervisory board meeting on pandemics and mask orders on Tuesday. People wearing red, white, and blue say they refuse to wear face covers, pointing out that the condition is in the process of recovering from the virus.

Others, including doctors wearing face shields and masked paramedics, have seen the recent increase in viral cases, and are worried about the spread, as they carry out the governor’s mask orders. I begged the board.

In response to a question from the supervisor, Dr. Clayton Chau, a county interim health officer earlier this month, could downgrade the county’s mask requirements to recommendations, which could help masks stop the spread of the virus. Said that there is increasing evidence.

“Every day you have a science article,” he said. “There is other evidence that the face cover will stop, slowing the spread of the virus.”

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Quote: When California’s economy resumes (June 24, 2020), medical personnel will alert you. Obtained June 24, 2020 from https: //

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