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The Importance of Mental Health Care in Cancer

The Importance of Mental Health Care in Cancer


Dr. Jotibara Sharma

Cancer not only affects your body, but can also affect your mind, and many people will experience significant changes in their emotional health. When you first find out that you have cancer, it’s normal to feel that your life is out of control. This can be for the following reasons:

• You wonder if you intend to live.

• Your normal routine is interrupted by a doctor’s consultation or treatment.

• I feel like I can’t enjoy it.

• You feel helpless and lonely.

Psychological stress, uncertainty, and physical distress can all adversely affect an individual’s mental health. It is important for cancer patients to focus on both their body and mind. Keep in mind that with the hope and help available, there are many advances in the treatment of cancer.

How Does Cancer Affect Mental Health?

Being diagnosed with cancer can be a life-changing emotional event for patients and their families, and it is important to monitor their physical and mental health. According to one study, it is estimated that up to one-third of people treated for cancer in the hospital are in general mental health. In addition, it is believed that 8% to 24% of cancer patients suffer from depression.

Relationship between mental health and cancer survival

Many experts are wondering if mental health treatments can change the course of cancer, and there is good reason to believe it is possible! One study found that people who were treated and had less symptoms of depression had a longer life expectancy than those who had more symptoms. A study of veterans in the United States found that cancer patients who also received mental health services lived longer than those who did not. I felt it well. My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer with an average survival of 2 years and she lived a quality life for 6 years. She was a strong man, but the love and emotional support of her family played a big role.

Researchers speculate that cancer patients experiencing depression are less likely to undergo prophylactic screening according to treatment plans and are more likely to miss treatment appointments.

Mental health monitoring

When receiving cancer treatment, patients and their families can monitor for signs of mental health problems. This is a group that regularly faces life-threatening threats, and it can be difficult to understand the regular response to cancer diagnosis and treatment and the signs of mental health. Cancer, depression, and anxiety share symptoms such as fatigue, lack of sleep, and loss of appetite, which can make it even more difficult to recognize mental health conditions. Cancer treatment teams often lack certain skills to recognize their mental health status. Mental health services are often overlooked because of the amount of time and money spent on cancer treatment.

Researchers have suggested the need for regular mental health screening in the oncology setting.Mental health problems commonly experienced by cancer patients include worries, depression, and anxiety.


Experience of emotional pain due to stressful life changes that cause sadness and anxiety. Feelings of anxiety can manifest themselves in a manner similar to depression and anxiety disorders.

Symptoms include:

• Feelings of sadness, fear, or anger

• Feeling helpless, hopeless, or out of control

• Experience uncertainty about your purpose and meaning in life

• Stay away from friends and family

• Worry about your role at home and in society


A medical condition in which an individual may experience feelings of sadness, a loss of interest in the activities they once enjoyed, and in some cases suicidal thoughts.

Symptoms of depression include:

• Emotional numbness

• I’m nervous or shivering

• Have a feeling of guilt

• Experience mood swings

• I have a hard time concentrating or feel cluttered

• I find it difficult to participate in what I enjoyed before

• Thoughts about hurting yourself or committing suicide

• Sleep disorders such as insomnia, oversleeping, and nightmares

• Increased tachycardia, dry mouth, or sweating

• Stomach upset, headache, or other pain

• Changes in energy level


Disorders that cause anxiety, tension, and intrusive thought. Dealing with stressful life events can exacerbate anxiety.

Symptoms include:

• Worries about being out of control

• I have a problem focusing on thinking

• Muscle tension

• Shivering or shivering

• Restlessness

• Thirst

• Sensitivity or anger explosion

Tips for managing mental health

Start with self-screening. Being screened for mental health online can be the first step in reflecting on your feelings before consulting with your health care provider or mental health professional.

Please consult an expert. For cancer patients, it is important to use a healthcare provider to obtain information about their physical and mental health. They can assist with specific mental health issues and provide references to counselors and other support services.

Ask for help. Family and friends can serve as a great support system. Cancer patients are encouraged to seek help when needed.

Join the support group. Talking to other people who have similar experiences can be a cure. Cancer patients and survivors may be able to find face-to-face and virtual support groups through hospitals and local branches of cancer support organizations.

I live in the present. Finding a way to feel rooted and focused in the present moment can help you avoid worrying about future events and consequences. Prayer and spiritual practice can help some cancer patients. Other options include meditation and mindfulness exercises.

Please keep dairy products. It can be difficult to remember how you felt a week ago, not to mention the entire duration of your cancer treatment. Tracking your emotions on a daily basis helps remind individuals to reflect on their feelings and help monitor the symptoms of mental health problems.

Make time for exercise. The ability to participate in different levels of physical activity may vary depending on treatment plan and diagnosis, but exercise plays a role in managing mental health. Even a light walk can relieve anxiety and depression.

Cancer and Mental Health: Advice for Loved Ones

Let’s talk about their conditions. Be sensitive to the feelings of your loved ones and encourage them to talk to you and other family and friends about diagnosing cancer, but don’t force them.

listen. It’s important to be there for those who are being treated for cancer. One of the best ways is to listen carefully and fight the urge to deny or downplay the negative emotions you share.

Ask your healthcare provider. Spouse and family members interacting with a loved one’s medical team can be proactive in seeking information on cancer and mental health. If necessary, you can also support your loved ones by asking for referrals to support the service.

Please participate in physical activity. Encouraging them to keep up with exercise and benefiting their mental and physical health as they go through the cancer treatment process by taking a walk with them or doing other physical activity with their loved ones. Can bring.

Respect the boundaries. Unless they seek their opinion, it is often best not to impose medical advice or treatment options that they are not interested in on cancer patients. We respect their autonomy and provide the support they seek.

Practice self-care. Sometimes the caretaker forgets to take care of himself. It is important for the loved ones of cancer patients to take their time, stay engaged in activities, be in tune with their emotions, and be honest. Avoiding emotional burnout makes it easier to care for your loved ones.

(( The author is the Dean of the Department of Neurology at Fortis Hospital in Noida. This article is for informational purposes only. Talk to your healthcare professional and health professional before starting treatment, medication, and / or treatment. The views expressed are personal and do not reflect the official position or policy of The Financial )




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