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It’s ridiculous to deal with schools like the Covid Hot Zone


May 18 EU Education Ministers gathered Conference call To discuss the resumption of school. Children have returned to class for weeks in 22 countries in Europe, and there are no signs of a significant increase in Covid-19 infection. It’s still early, but good news. After more than a month, overall mortality in Europe continues to decline. Now, when we look at the fall, the United States late Looks keen to follow the European lead.

The question of how to reopen US schools, on what schedule, and how much attention should be paid has not yet been determined. But recently guidance The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, released May 16th, recalls a strict plan for safety. The students were apart in class and the desk was surrounded by a 6 foot empty moat. Closed cafeteria and abandoned jungle gym. Canceled field trip. Attendees are scattered every other day or every other week. Reportedly, certain US schools gave children Homing beaconHelp break the rules and track someone who is too close to someone else. Every step of the way seems to be taken to protect the safety of students and staff, no matter how extreme.

This can be a serious mistake. As children will return to school this fall, they need to take a carefully balanced view of all proposed safety measures and consider which ones are really wise and punitive instead.


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It’s true that if you go carefully, reopening your school can increase your chances of getting the virus. Some of these countries, such as Israel and France, cluster of Infection Between students and staff. However, the outbreaks were small and expected, officials from both countries reported to the press. Evidence suggests that the overall risk is very low.

Let’s look at some facts. Children are generally immune to the effects of the virus. According to the latest data From the CDC, infants, young children, and teenagers together account for approximately 5% of all confirmed cases and 0.06% of all reported deaths. Received Covid Link Childhood Inflammatory Syndrome Hot media attention Scary last month, but there are even smaller numbers. “Many serious childhood illnesses are exacerbated with both possible consequences and prevalence,” said Charles Schleien, a pediatric chair at Northwell Health in New York. Russell Binner, president of the Royal College of Pediatrics, said the syndrome was “unrelated” to any school-related debate.

There is also a wealth of evidence that children do not get the virus as fast as adults. Experts say that the exact transmission dynamics between children or between children and adults isDon’t knowβ€œβ€”And, in fact, the best evidence for this question isNot enough evidence”— Many people are at risk of infection Diminished.. Jonas F. Ludobigson, a pediatrician and professor of clinical epidemiology at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, reviewed relevant research literature as of 11 May and found that while “very likely” children We have concluded that it may infect the virus that causes Covid-19.Occurs rarely. “ Soumya Swaminathan, Principal Scientist at the World Health Organization, was suggested Last month, “what we know now, children seem to be less able to spread the infection,” said Christine McCartney, director of the Australian National Center for Vaccination and Surveillance. Lack of evidence It School-age children are super spreaders In her country. Ah Investigation In Ireland, “no evidence of Covid-19 secondary infections from school children,” said Icelandic leader Carlist Stephenson. Said New Yorker Of the approximately 56,000 residents tested, “only two cases have children infected their parents. However, many cases have parents infected their children.” Similar conclusions Investigation Of a dutch family.

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This does not mean that Covid-19 was not able to spread efficiently among school adults, teachers and staff. Under the reinstatement plan, those most vulnerable to illness should be able to opt out of field work until a vaccine or effective treatment is given. And the witness adults need to wear masks and maintain proper social distance when they are around each other. Keeping adults apart is easier to implement in schools, where teachers tend to spend their days in separate rooms, more than some already resumed work environments such as offices, factories and stores.


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