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Studies show that Covid-19 infection can increase the risk of mental illness by 25%.Everything you need to know

Studies show that Covid-19 infection can increase the risk of mental illness by 25%.Everything you need to know


According to a recently published study, people infected with Covid-19 have a 25% increased risk of developing mental illness four months after infection.

Researchers at Oregon State University (OSU) in the United States compared 46,610 people infected with Covid-19 with those infected with other types of respiratory tract infections to specifically investigate anxiety and mood disorders.

There has been a long-standing link between mental health and Covid-19, and Long Covid is known to have a significant psychological impact on people.

Here’s what we found in OSU research, what it means, the impact of Covid-19 on mental health, and why OSU research is so important.

What are the results of the study?

According to a university statement, OSU researchers found that patients with Covid-19 had a 3.8% incidence of psychiatric disorders, compared with a 3.0% incidence of other respiratory tract infections.

According to the statement, a 0.8% difference means that the risk of mental illness increased by about 25% among those who had Covid-19.

Researchers paid particular attention to anxiety and mood disorders, adding that they found that the risk of anxiety disorders was slightly but significantly increased and that the risk of mood disorders remained unchanged.

What does that mean?

The link between Covid-19 and mental health has also been drawn earlier, but this study is important because it draws data from across the United States, which means it’s broader.

“The fact that the sample size is large and this data cohort is collected from across the United States has given researchers a unique window to post-Covid side effects,” said study co-author Lauren Chan.

She emphasizes that the study results require that Covid-19 patients also need to be observed and treated from a psychiatric perspective, and healthcare providers need to more actively screen people for these conditions. I added.

She said, “For those who have been infected with Covid, if you feel uneasy, or if you see any changes in the way you live your life from a psychiatric point of view, it is perfectly appropriate to ask for help. You need to be a caregiver, act proactively, start screening for those mental states, and then follow up with those patients. “

Chan also emphasized that the health system will become more stressed as people report their psychiatric status after Covid-19, which has stressed the health system in the United States and around the world. She also said it would be difficult to find the right specialist to ask for help.

She said, “We are already struggling to identify the professionals we work with and will continue to struggle to provide the care we need to people. Such an increase in mental status after COVID. If seen, people are aware of them and are seeking care, which raises some concerns. “

Covid-19 and Mental Health

The coronavirus pandemic has been reported to worsen people’s mental health without infection.

“The study shows that the number of adults in the United States who report symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia during a pandemic has increased significantly compared to pre-pandemic studies,” said Mayo Clinin. Has been done. “

Covid-19 infections, especially Long Covid, can affect mental health. More than 12 weeks after symptoms such as fatigue, cough, and shortness of breath appear, the symptoms are unrelated to other diagnoses.

In addition to fatigue and shortness of breath, the most identifiable Long Covid symptom is “brain fog.” It is a comprehensive term used to refer to a variety of cognitive problems, such as irregular memory development, lack of clarity of mind, and poor concentration. Persistent confusion.

Simply put, brain fog is also understood as mental malaise — a mental sign of your Covid-19 sacrifice.

Studies have also shown that Covid-19 causes inflammation of the brain and death of brain cells. Microbleeding, which refers to small internal bleeding in the brain, is also associated with Covid-19 infection.




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