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The new fund may enable early access to life-saving treatments for NHS patients in the United Kingdom

The new fund may enable early access to life-saving treatments for NHS patients in the United Kingdom
The new fund may enable early access to life-saving treatments for NHS patients in the United Kingdom


NHS patients in the United Kingdom will have early access to cutting-edge treatments that have the potential to save lives, thanks to the new fund launched today.

With up to £ 340m available through the Innovative Medicines Fund, buy the most promising medicines, track patients quickly, and give adults and children the best chances of survival, recovery, or healthier and longer life. It offers.

The fund, which meets Manifest’s commitments, further assists NHS England in delivering potentially transformative new drugs to patients, and collects real-world evidence to collect real-world evidence from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Notify you of the final decision on whether to treat with. Clinically and cost-effectively, it makes good use of taxpayer money in the long run, reduces delays and temporarily promotes patient outcomes.

Examples of previous medications that patients have accessed in a similar manner through a controlled access contract include treatment for children with spinal muscular atrophy and treatment to slow the progression of life-threatening metabolic disorders. increase.

It has been reformed to provide more than 80,000 people with access to life-prolonging or potentially life-saving medicines that may not have been otherwise available for years in the last five years. Based on the success of the anti-cancer drug fund.

Health Minister Sajid Javid said:

We want NHS patients to use for the first time in the world the most promising and innovative therapies that can prolong and save lives.

The launch of the Innovative Medicines Fund will quickly provide adults and children with cutting-edge medicines to provide another manifest pledge and give people new hope for a better future. “

A total of £ 680m is ring-fenced to accelerate medicines for NHS patients for the Innovative Drugs Fund and the Antineoplastics Fund (£ 340m each).

It is estimated that one in 17 people in the United Kingdom will be affected by a rare illness in their lifetime. The Innovative Medicines Fund provides rapid access to new treatments, including potentially life-saving gene therapy for severe conditions with few treatment options. Due to the small patient cohort, it often takes time for pharmaceutical companies to collect clinical and cost-effectiveness data for drugs for rare diseases. This new scheme, with the support of NHSE and NICE, grants access while this critical process is taking place, rather than having patients wait for this date to become available.

Breakdark, director of the NHS Commercial Medicine, said:

The NHS continues to be a pioneer in outstanding trading, deploying the latest state-of-the-art medicines and treatments. This new innovative medicine fund builds on the success of the anti-cancer drug fund and enables more patients to benefit from early access to the most promising cancer and non-cancer therapies.

The NHS Long-Term Plan promises to adopt NICE-approved therapies as soon as possible, with £ 680m in funding to provide patients with faster access to promising new drugs. It shows that we stay at the forefront of ensuring the best innovative treatments. .. “

By improving access to treatment for the most deprived patients, it is expected to reduce pressure on the NHS and support a wide range of efforts to address Covid’s untreated portion.

All drugs developed through the Innovative Drugs Fund and the Antineoplastics Fund are approved by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Authority (MHRA) and suitable for the IMF by the NICE after meeting high standards of safety and quality. Is recommended.

Dr. Samantha Roberts, Chief Executive Officer of NICE, said:

We are pleased that NICE has played an important role alongside NHS England and NHS Improvement and has created this important new initiative that will enable people to quickly and quickly access promising new innovations in treatment.

Like the Anti-Cancer Fund, the fund will enable more rapid identification and availability of innovative new therapies that will bring real benefits to thousands of people and provide high value to the NHS. Useful for. “

The Innovative Medicines Fund supports the government’s Rare Disease Action Plan and ensures that people living in scarce conditions benefit from faster diagnosis, treatment, and state management support.

In response to public evidence, the government has also developed a 10-year cancer plan to make the UK a world leader in cancer treatment, with innovative treatments and early diagnosis to improve patient outcomes. New attention is being paid to.




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