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Type 1 and Type 2

Type 1 and Type 2


Diabetes affects the body’s ability to control blood sugar (glucose) levels. Uncontrolled blood sugar levels can cause serious complications. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your blood glucose and keep it within the recommended range.

The recommended blood glucose range can be influenced by a variety of factors, including age, overall health, and diabetes management goals.

The charts in this article will help you understand your blood glucose and A1C recommendations.

Recommended blood sugar levels help determine if your blood sugar levels are in the “normal” range.

However, your target blood glucose level may differ from the general recommendations for the following reasons:

  • Your overall health
  • your age
  • Existence of other health conditions (known as) Comorbidity).
  • The length of time you have diabetes

Your doctor or health care professional will let you know what your goals should be for you, based on your health and medical history.

Recommended blood glucose range for adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes and children with type 2 diabetes

according to American Diabetes AssociationThese ranges are recommended for adults who have either Type 1 Also Type 2 diabetes And for Type 2 diabetic child:

The range is adjusted for children under the age of 18 with type 1 diabetes, pregnant people, and people with gestational diabetes, as outlined in the graph below.

Blood glucose range for children under the age of 18 with type 1 diabetes

The graph below is Recommended blood glucose range For children under the age of 18 with type 1 diabetes.

Recommended range of blood glucose levels for pregnant women with type 1 diabetes

The graph below is Recommended blood glucose range For a person I’m pregnant and have type 1 diabetes..

Blood glucose range for people with gestational diabetes

The graph below is Recommended blood glucose range For those who have Gestational diabetes..

Recommended blood sugar levels if you do not have diabetes

For people without diabetes, the standard range of blood sugar levels is the same, regardless of age or health. However, doctors may set different goals based on specific circumstances.

For example, if there are several risk factors for diabetes, doctors may want to keep their blood sugar levels in a narrower range.

The Standard blood glucose range For those who do not have diabetes, it is outlined in the chart below.

AIC It is a measured value of the average blood glucose level for the past 3 months. Blood sampling is required to measure A1C.

When sugar enters the bloodstream, it binds to a protein called hemoglobin. People with high blood sugar levels have a higher percentage of sugar-coated hemoglobin protein. The A1C results show what percentage of hemoglobin is bound to the sugar.

In the graph below A1C results This is the “normal” range, or whether it may be prediabetes or a sign of diabetes.

In general, it is recommended that all types of diabetics keep A1C below 7%.

However, this may change depending on other health conditions and goals. Your doctor will let you know if you have different A1C goals based on your unique factors.

Your tracking Blood sugar Is one of the most important elements of Diabetes management.

Careful monitoring of your blood sugar and knowing what causes your blood sugar to rise or fall will help you and your health team plan and set treatment goals for your diabetes.

In addition, measuring blood glucose can help you:

  • Monitor how your medicine affects your blood sugar
  • Determine how different diets and food choices affect blood sugar levels
  • Determine if exercise Or other lifestyle changes are affecting blood sugar levels
  • Track overall progress

Even if you don’t have diabetes, it’s a good idea to check your blood sugar regularly. Your doctor may order a blood glucose test as part of your annual physical examination.If there is Risk factors for diabetes, You may need to check your blood sugar more often.

High blood sugar level known as HyperglycemiaIt can also cause fatigue, thirst, and blurred vision. Many factors can cause blood sugar spikes, including:

  • stress
  • illness
  • Insulin intake is too low
  • Eat large amounts of food and eat more carbohydrates than usual
  • Less physically active than usual

Over time, hyperglycemia can cause serious complications such as:

Fast-acting insulin

If your blood sugar is higher than recommended, you can take it to lower your blood sugar Fast-acting insulin.. Talk to your doctor about the amount of insulin you need to take if your blood sugar level exceeds a certain level.

However, you need to take into account insulin that may already be in your body. Some types of insulin can take hours to be completely absorbed, so if you still have insulin that isn’t working, you should avoid overdose. This can cause your blood sugar to drop too low.

Check your blood sugar within 15-30 minutes of taking insulin to make sure your blood sugar isn’t too low.


Another effective way Lower blood sugar Is to exercise. When you are physically active, your body runs out of excess glucose in your blood. However, if you have severe hyperglycemia, avoid exercising as it may speed up. KetoacidosisA potentially life-threatening condition.

Talk to your health care professional if your blood sugar spikes frequently. They may want to adjust your medication or work with you to develop another diet plan.

Hypoglycemia It is defined as a blood glucose level of less than 70 milligrams (mg) per deciliter (dL). If your blood sugar drops too low, you may feel that:

  • Dizziness and light-headedness
  • unstable
  • I’m hungry
  • Sensitive
  • tired
  • Concentrated or unable to concentrate

Keeping your blood sugar low can be confusing and difficult to talk to and see. If blood sugar levels remain low for long periods of time, they can cause serious complications such as coma and seizures.

Tell your doctor if your blood sugar is too low on a regular basis. You may need to change the type and amount of insulin you take, or the time you take it.

It’s also a good idea to make a note of the symptoms you experience during an episode of hypoglycemia and how long it takes for your blood sugar to recover. This information will help your doctor create the type of care plan that suits you.

Blood glucose monitoring is an important part of diabetes management. Blood sugar levels, which are always within the recommended range, indicate that medications, diets, and other diabetes treatments are working well.

The range of blood glucose levels is a general guideline. The range of recommended blood sugar levels may vary slightly depending on your overall health, age, length of time you have diabetes, and other factors.

If your blood sugar is often too high or too low, talk to your health care professional about changing your diabetes management plan.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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