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9 cases in total including the first case other than NYC – NBC New York

9 cases in total including the first case other than NYC – NBC New York


According to the State Department of Health, there are currently nine confirmed cases of monkeypox in New York City, including the first to be found outside New York City.

The New York State Department of Health has announced that the number of cases in the city has increased from just two on June 1 (within a week) to eight as of Tuesday. Other cases of monkeypox were found in Sullivan County.

Each case has been confirmed to be an orthopox virus. Monkeypox virus belongs to the orthopoxvirus family.

“The risk of monkeypox remains low, so if you have symptoms that are consistent with monkeypox, we recommend that you pay attention to New York City and seek care. We continue to learn more about this virus.” , Said Dr. Mary Bassett, State Health Commissioner. “Notified to state-wide health providers. The Wadsworth Center Public Health Institute will continue to test for Ortopox virus and work with local health departments and public health professionals to protect New Yorkers. “

As of Monday, 1,019 cases of suspected monkeypox have been reported in 29 countries. According to the CDC. The UK has recorded the highest number of cases to date, with 302 suspected and confirmed infections. This is followed by Spain with 198, Portugal with 153 and Canada with 80.

According to the CDC, there were 30 confirmed cases in 13 states as of Monday night in the United States.

Also on Monday, CDC Raised the monkeypox warning to level 2 and urged people to “practice enhanced precautions” To stop recent outbreaks. Under that level of guidance, people are encouraged to “practice enhanced precautions” to stop the outbreak. This is one step below the CDC that encourages people to “avoid unnecessary travel.”

The CDC said the risk to the general public remains low, but new levels of vigilance are in close contact with sick people, including skin and genital lesions, and with sick and dead animals. Encourage you to avoid it. People who show symptoms such as unexplained skin rashes or lesions are also encouraged to avoid contact with others and seek guidance from their healthcare provider.

Two prominent infectious disease experts warned that it was important to stop the spread of the virus over the weekend and that the windows were “closed” to contain the virus before it became endemic. It is the World Health Organization’s outbreakToo late to contain.. “

As a sign that the situation may be more advanced than initially understood, the CDC appears on Friday to have two separate outbreaks outside of Africa, a virus found in the United States. Some of the samples originated in Europe.

Symptoms may take 7 to 14 days to appear, but may take up to 21 days to appear

How do I get monkeypox?

The majority of cases in the United States are men who have sex with men, and many patients report traveling abroad. The CDC said last week that all patients across the country are recovering or have already recovered.

Officials said in a briefing with reporters on Friday that public health risks were still low, vaccine stockpiles were sufficient for now, and it was “too early to know” if the virus would spread in the United States. did.

The agency is asking doctors to test monkeypox more aggressively, even if they think the patient is showing symptoms of another sexually transmitted disease.

Currently, there are five estimated cases of monkeypox in New York City, but authorities do not believe this is the cause of the immediate panic.Jessica Cannington of New Four has the latest information on what the CDC and medical professionals are advising.

“They need to test monkeypox, even if they seem to test positive for a much more common sexually transmitted disease,” said Jennifer McQuiston, Deputy Director of the CDC’s High-Results Pathogens and Pathology Department. Said.

Of the first 17 cases identified, all 17 had a rash, most of which were fatigue or chills. Many other places were affected as well, but the majority had rashes on their arms and chest.

Monkeypox’Window Closing’

As the virus spreads, people with a history of infectious diseases warn that time is important to contain the virus.

“The window is closed. If you can’t contain it now, you’ll have to do more work later. Again, #LGBTQ Yale University epidemiologist and AIDS activist Greg Gonzalves tweeted Saturday morning.

His peers agreed and called on the LGBTQ community to make more aggressive efforts to combat the spread.

“The windows to get rid of monkeypox are closed. The LGBTQ group said #GayPrideMonth # Gaypride2022 An event to educate, screen, test and vaccinate before it’s too late. ” Celine Gounder, an infectious disease expert at New York University and a former Biden administration’s COVID adviser, tweeted in response to Gonzalves.

Some local governments handle the problem on their own. On Monday, Montreal public health officials began vaccination against people exposed to monkeypox, and men who had sex with men and had at least two partners in the last 14 days.

In the United States, ordered by the Federal Department of Health and Human Services Transferred another 36,000 vaccines From manufacturers to national stockpiles.

What is monkeypox?

Monkeypox was first discovered in 1958 and was named after an outbreak in a monkey colony that had been bred for research. (What you need to know about monkeypox.)

The first human case was reported in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1970. The Democratic Republic of the Congo still has the majority of infections. Other African countries where it was found: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Liberia, Nigeria, Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone.

Human symptoms of monkeypox are similar to those of smallpox, but mild. CDC says.. It manifests as a flu-like illness with swollen lymph nodes and rashes on the face and body.

Monkeypox begins with fever, headache, muscle aches, and malaise. Monkeypox also causes swelling of the lymph nodes, but smallpox does not. The incubation period is usually 7-14 days, but can range from 5 to 21 days.

CDC Encourages US healthcare providers to pay attention to patients with rashes Consistent with monkeypoxRegardless of whether they have traveled or are at particular risk of monkeypox. Learn more about travel notifications.




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