Weight loss surgery significantly reduces cancer risk and mortality, with new research
- New studies show that obesity surgery can provide people with obesity with additional health benefits in addition to weight loss.
- The risk of developing the six types of cancer associated with obesity is significantly lower for people undergoing surgery when compared to their peers.
- Compared to obese people who have not undergone weight loss surgery, the risk of developing all types of cancer is also significantly reduced.
For many years, obesity surgery has been a successful way to help people with obesity lose unhealthy weight.
new research It suggests that it may also help reduce the risk of developing six types of cancer that are known to be associated with obesity.
In addition, the results of a new study presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting American Society of Metabolism and Obesity Surgery (ASMBS)It suggests that people who have undergone weight loss surgery have a significantly lower risk of developing all types of cancer compared to their non-surgery obese peers.
In this study, researchers found more than 1,600 obese people who underwent either gastric bypass surgery (dividing the stomach to reduce its size) or sleeve gastrectomy (removing part of the stomach). I examined people.
They were compared to more than 2,100 controls of obesity who had not undergone surgery and were matched according to gender, age, and BMI.
they found Those who had obesity surgery were much less likely to develop breast cancer during the 10-year study period (1.4%) than those who did not have surgery (2.7%).
Similar reductions in risk include gynecologic cancer (0.4% vs 2.6%), kidney cancer (0.10% vs 0.80%), brain tumor (0.20% vs 0.90%), lung cancer (0.20% vs 0.60%), and thyroid. It was seen in cancer (0.20% vs. 0.60%). 0.10 percent vs. 0.70 percent).
Only 5.2% of people who underwent obesity surgery developed certain types of cancer during the study period, compared to 12.2% in the non-surgical control group.
The overall 10-year survival rate for those who underwent surgery was 92.9%, while only 78.9% of the non-surgery group survived the last 10 years.
“Patients have fewer heart events and less cancer, which increases their lifespan after obesity surgery.” Dr. Shanu KotharAs President of ASMBS, I told Healthline.
Dr. Jared R. Miller, a general obesity surgeon at Gundersen Lutheran Health System, co-author of the study, said obesity surgery provides a surprisingly high level of protection against certain types of cancer.
“The benefits of weight loss surgery to reduce the risk of cancer cannot be ignored and should be considered for patients who are obese and at high risk of cancer,” Miller said.
Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic found that both obesity-related cancers and cancer-related mortality rates were significantly reduced in patients who had obesity surgery compared to those who did not.
Obesity is a major risk factor for 13 types of cancer, Kotari said.
Chronic inflammatory conditions caused by excess body weight “somehow cause cellular changes to cancer cells,” he said. “Following weight loss, the inflammatory process is reduced and the potential for cell transformation into cancer cells is reduced.”
The link between excess weight and cancer is not yet fully understood, but Kotari told the Healthline.
In addition to reducing inflammation, he said, weight loss can cause a decrease in estrogen levels (especially known risk factors for breast cancer) and beneficial changes in epigenetics and gut flora.
“Obesity is also associated with lack of exercise and the consumption of high-calorie foods, both of which are associated with an increased risk of cancer.” Dr. AS Dr. Anton BirchikA surgical oncologist and director of medicine at the Providence St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California, told Healthline.
He also stated that weight loss is associated with improved nutrition, reduced intake of processed foods, increased physical activity, and reduced calories. All of these are also factors that reduce the risk of cancer.
Miller said the significant and long-term weight loss that most patients experience in obesity surgery is likely to play an important role in reducing their risk of cancer.
“If you drop a few pounds and get it back in a few months, you probably won’t see any reduction in cancer,” he said.
People who lose weight and lose weight comparable to those with obesity surgery through diet and exercise may also reduce their risk of cancer.
“Weight loss is weight loss,” Bilchick said. “There is nothing special about obesity surgery, except that most patients selected for this procedure failed the non-surgical weight loss approach.”
However, Miller said that obese people rarely lose 60 to 70 percent of the overweight normally seen in obesity surgery with diet and exercise alone.
“There are probably some champion stories, but the vast majority of people will lose the same weight and will not be able to sustain it long enough to experience the benefits,” Miller said.
Weight loss surgery is usually only offered to people with severe obesity. It is usually only offered to people who are overweight between 75 and 100 pounds, or who have a BMI of 35 or higher with obesity-related disorders such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
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