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Some older women with luminal A breast cancer can safely abandon radiation therapy, studies show

Some older women with luminal A breast cancer can safely abandon radiation therapy, studies show
Some older women with luminal A breast cancer can safely abandon radiation therapy, studies show



Whelan TJ, et al. Abstract LBA501. Announcement location: ASCO Annual Meeting; June 3-7, 2022. Chicago.

Disclosure: Whelan reports research funding from Exact Sciences to his institution. See the summary for relevant financial disclosures of all other researchers.

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Chicago — A prospective study presented at the ASCO Annual Meeting shows that patients with low-grade luminal A breast cancer over the age of 55 receiving endocrine therapy can safely avoid radiation therapy after breast-conserving surgery.

“We estimate that these results apply to as many as 30,000 to 40,000 women a year who can avoid the prevalence, inconvenience and cost of radiation therapy.” Timothy Joseph Welan, MD, FASCO, Professor of Oncology at McMaster University and Chairman of the Canadian Research Committee for Breast Cancer Research said in a presentation.

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Source: Adobe Stock.

Background and method

Adjuvant radiation therapy is then common Breast-conserving surgery According to Welan, the risk of local recurrence has been reduced by 67%. However, daily treatment for up to 5 weeks can be inconvenient and costly for the patient and can result in serious acute and delayed toxicity and rare life-threatening side effects.

As the risk of local recurrence has decreased and surgical techniques and systemic therapy have improved, can Whelan et al. Use the results of biomarker screening to identify patients with very low-risk disease who can omit adjuvant radiation therapy? I tried to judge.

Timothy Joseph Welan, MD, FASCO

Timothy Joseph Welan

The single-arm Phase 3 LUMINA trial enrolled 500 patients aged 55 years and older (mean age 67 years, mean tumor size 1.1 cm) with lymph node-negative breast cancer and luminal type A tumors, with an ER Defined as 1%. As mentioned above, PR exceeds 20%, HER2 is negative, and Ki67 is 13.25% or less. Ki67 protein It is associated with the growth of cancer cells.

Patients from 26 centers across Canada between August 2013 and July 2017 underwent breast-conserving surgery and received endocrine therapy for at least 5 years.

Local recurrence served as the main result. Secondary outcomes included contralateral breast cancer, recurrence, DFS, and OS.

The median follow-up was 5 years.

Main survey results

The results showed 10 invasive local recurrence events, against a 5-year local recurrence rate of 2.3% (90% CI, 1.3-3.8). Researchers have similar 5-year contralateral breast cancer rates (1.9%; 90% CI, 1.1-3.2; n = 8) and 2.7% (90% CI, 1.6-4.1) recurrence rates (n = 12). Was observed. .. Whelan reported a 5-year DFS rate of 89.9% (90% CI, 87.5-92.2) and a 5-year OS rate of 97.2% (90% CI, 95.5-98.4). Only one patient died of breast cancer.


“T1N0, grade 1 to grade 2 intraluminal breast cancer over the age of 55 had a very low local recurrence rate 5 years after breast-conserving surgery treated with endocrine therapy alone,” Whelan said. “The positive and controlled nature of this multicenter study confirms that such patients are candidates for the omission of radiation therapy.”




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