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Studies suggest that walking may prevent new knee pain for some people

Studies suggest that walking may prevent new knee pain for some people
Studies suggest that walking may prevent new knee pain for some people


promising New research It is suggested that walking can prevent knee pain in people with osteoarthritis.

Researchers surveyed more than 1,000 people over the age of 50 with knee osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis in the United States. Some people initially felt persistent pain, while others did not. After 4 years, those who started without frequent knee pain and walked for at least 10 exercises are less likely to experience new regular stiffness and pain around the knee and structural damage to the knee. There were few. Studies have suggested that people with knee osteoarthritis of the genu varum may benefit from walking in particular.

This study offers the possibility of an easy and free way to combat one of the most common causes of knee pain among the elderly.

The findings represent a “paradigm shift,” said Dr. Grace Xiao Weilow, an assistant professor at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and the lead author of the study. “Everyone is always looking for some medicine. This highlights the importance and potential that interventions in osteoarthritis may be something different, including good old exercise.” She added that exercise may help manage osteoarthritis of other joints.

OsteoarthritisAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it affects more than 32.5 million adults in the United States, sometimes referred to as “wear and tear” arthritis, when articular cartilage is destroyed and the underlying bone begins to change. increase. With age, the risk of developing this condition increases, and about one-third of people over the age of 60 suffer from knee osteoarthritis, Dr. Law said. She added that many patients are taking medications like ibuprofen and naproxen to treat their pain. This can cause kidney problems and massive ulcers.

Instead, they may be able to turn to exercise. For decades, health professionals have considered walking primarily as a way to improve cardiovascular health, said Dr. Elaine Husni, a rheumatologist at the Cleveland Clinic who was not involved in the study. However, in recent years, doctors have turned to less impactful training to treat the following conditions: depression, Cognitive dysfunction When Mild osteoarthritis.. However, new studies show that walking also acts as a preventative measure, and people at high risk of developing the condition may want to incorporate regular walking into their daily lives, Dr. Law said. .. For example, Dr. Law himself said that her mother suffers from osteoarthritis, so based on her findings, she should walk more.

The study was started in 2004 and used radiographs to assess osteoarthritis to record participant baseline knee pain. The researchers then asked participants to record their exercise habits, confirmed their symptoms on regular follow-up visits, and asked how often their knees hurt.

Four years later, 37% of study participants who did not walk due to exercise (excluding occasional trips to trains and grocery stores) developed new frequent knee pain compared to 26% who walked. Did.

Of course, researchers couldn’t say clearly that walking stopped the pain in the knee, and it seems they couldn’t relieve the existing pain. Self-assessment can be less accurate than fitness trackers and step counters. Also, researchers did not track the distance or frequency that people walked. It also did not recommend strategies for when and how people with osteoarthritis should incorporate walking into their exercise routines.

Still, the results confirm what the clinician already understands. How to manage osteoarthritis.. Consistent movements help strengthen the ligaments around joints suffering from osteoarthritis and build muscle mass, Dr. Husni said. Walking is a low-intensity, low-impact workout that allows people to maintain the strength and flexibility essential to healthy joints, she added.

“It’s an intervention that anyone can do,” she said. “I can’t make excuses. I can do it wherever I am.”

Those who are already in pain should be careful not to overexercise, but Dr. Justen Elbayar, a sports medicine specialist at NYU Langone Health’s orthopedic surgery, said he was not involved in this study either. .. For some patients with severe arthritis, walking long distances can exacerbate the pain, but for patients with low levels of arthritis, “this is one of the best exercises you can do. “He said.

He recommends that people start with small, short walks and gradually build up distance over time. The goal of exercise is to provide muscle support to the arthritic knee and to adapt the joints, tendons and tissues to walking.

He also suggested using supportive shoes, drinking plenty of water during the walk, and resting frequently if tired or for the first time. After a long walk, icing the knees may also help relieve discomfort, he added.

Walking down the street does not repair cartilage or remedy existing pain, but this exercise provides a compelling and accessible option to avoid the more annoying aspects of osteoarthritis. I will provide it, Dr. Law said. After all, she added, “it costs less than a cent to walk.”




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