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Diabetes can increase the risk of long-term COVID.COVID during pregnancy is associated with problems with the development of the baby’s brain

Diabetes can increase the risk of long-term COVID.COVID during pregnancy is associated with problems with the development of the baby’s brain


Pregnant women will be vaccinated with Sinobac’s coronavirus coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine on May 25, 2021 during a mass vaccination program in Apodaka, a suburb of Monterey, Mexico.Reuters / Daniel Beceryl

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June 9 (Reuters)-The following is a summary of some recent studies on COVID-19. They require further research to support the findings and include studies that have not yet been certified by peer review.

Diabetes may increase long-term COVID risk

Diabetes may increase the risk of long-term COVID, suggests a new analysis of seven previous studies.

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Researchers reviewed studies that followed people for at least 4 weeks after recovery of COVID-19, and found individuals who developed long-standing COVID-related persistent symptoms such as brain fog, skin condition, depression, and shortness of breath. confirmed. In three studies, people with diabetes were up to four times more likely to develop long COVIDs than people without diabetes. According to the presentation At the American Diabetes Association’s annual science session on Sunday. Researchers suggest that diabetes appears to be a “strong risk factor” for long COVIDs, but studies use different methods, long COVID definitions, follow-up periods, and some studies target inpatients. He said the findings were preliminary, as some studies focused on people. In a mild case of COVID-19.

“Determining whether diabetes is actually a risk factor requires higher quality studies across multiple populations and settings,” the researchers said. “In the meantime, it is advisable to carefully monitor diabetics …” after COVID-19.

COVID-19 during pregnancy related to baby learning skills

Researchers have shown that babies born to mothers infected with COVID-19 during pregnancy may be at higher than average risk of brain development problems associated with learning, concentration, memory, and development of social skills. It was discovered.

They surveyed 7,772 babies born in Massachusetts between March and September 2020 and tracked babies up to 12 months old. During that time, 14.4% of babies born to 222 women who tested positive for the coronavirus during pregnancy were diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders, compared with 8.7% of babies whose mothers avoided the virus during pregnancy. That was the case.After considering other risk factors for neurodevelopmental development, including preterm birth, SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy was associated with an 86% higher risk of diagnosing neurodevelopmental disorders in offspring, researchers said Thursday. Reported JAMA network open.. When the infection occurred in the third trimester, the risk more than doubled.

Researchers point out that their study is concise and that the possibility of additional neurodevelopmental effects becoming apparent as the child grows cannot be ruled out. Meanwhile, they say that larger and more rigorous studies are needed to rule out other potential causes and prove that the coronavirus is the cause.

Rare post-COVID-19 syndrome in children who are currently less common

A new study found that the rare but life-threatening inflammatory syndrome found in some children after coronavirus infection causes most infections and is even rarer in the Omicron variant, which vaccinates more children. It has become.

Researchers examined Danish data on more than 500,000 children and adolescents infected after Omicron became dominant. About half of them experienced breakthrough infections after vaccination. Overall, only one vaccinated child and 11 unvaccinated children are multisystem that causes inflammation of the heart, lungs, kidneys, and brain after mild or asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. I have developed inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C). This represents a ratio of 34.9 MIS-C cases per 1 million unvaccinated children with COVID-19 and 3.7 cases per 1 million young vaccinated COVID-19 patients. JAMA Pediatrics.. By comparison, the proportion of MIS-C cases in which Delta was predominant was 290.7 per 1 million unvaccinated infected children and 101.5 in COVID vaccinated children.

The fact that the risk of MIS-C in vaccinated children was significantly lower indicates that the vaccine helps prevent the immune system from causing the deadly inflammatory response that is characteristic of MIS-C. The researchers said it suggests.

Click Reuters graphics About the vaccine under development.

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Report by Nancy Rapid; Edited by Bill Berkrot

Our criteria: Thomson Reuters trusts the principles.




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