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Breakthrough Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer Shrinks Tumors in Women

Breakthrough Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer Shrinks Tumors in Women


Ashland, Kentucky (WSAZ)-Pancreatic cancer has the highest mortality rate of all major cancers, but breakthrough treatments offer new hope.

“I never expected to die of pancreatic cancer,” said Kathy Wilkes, a pancreatic cancer patient who has a summer home in Ashland.

Wilkes was diagnosed with stage 3 pancreatic cancer in 2018. She says it all started in 2015 when she became very ill, but nothing was found.

“The tumor was growing all the time, and GI doctors weren’t doing enough scans,” Wilkes said.

When her tumor was discovered in 2018, it was still operable and removed with a clear margin.

Her treatment was harsh. She received eight chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation therapy, but a year later her cancer spread to her lungs.

“I never accepted the idea of ​​dying. It was always the fact that I wanted to live, so I just treated it as a challenge,” Wilkes said.

She began her research, finding genetic mutations in her cancer and trying to find a clinical trial that suits her.

“My research showed that regular chemotherapy and radiation did not affect pancreatic cancer,” she said.

She found a case report of a colorectal cancer patient who was helped by an type of gene therapy, so she contacted author Eric Tran, who works at the Providence Cancer Institute in Portland, Oregon.

At the end of 2018, Dr. Tran attended a trial in Pittsburgh because the trial had not taken place. He had some success, but his tumor was restored.

She contacted Dr. Trang again and he agreed that she was a perfect candidate, so she jumped out to Oregon in February 2021.

“I knew he did it, and he was able to do it again,” Wilkes said.

Following CDC and FDA approval, Kathy received breakthrough treatment in June 2021.

“For me, it was easy. It was worth the risk,” she said.

In an approach, we took a sample of Wilkes T cells, a type of immune cell that attacks invaders in the body. Scientists then genetically modified these cells and reprogrammed them to recognize and attack tumor cells.

The T cells were then proliferated billions of times in the laboratory and then returned to Wilkes by a single intravenous injection.

“I knew that what we were aiming for was the last, so it was a completely different idea than just injecting chemotherapy into me,” Wilkes said.

In one month, Wilkes’ tumor shrank by 62%.

“Looking at the scan, it looks like it was very small. It was like day and night,” Wilkes said.

A few months later, the tumor shrank to 72%, and a year later, her cancer stabilized.

“I think it’s a kind of cliff that’s happening with pancreatic cancer because there’s been nothing for a long time,” Wilkes said.

This remedy represents hope for Wilkes.

“Not only are survival rates 11% and 5%, but we’re one step closer. Many people will be saved,” she said.

This treatment will still take years to become widely available, but trials with 24 people have begun.

Wilkes will be back in Portland next week for a year of inspection and testing.

“You always have to be prepared to die when you get cancer, but I was going to live because I had never been particular about it, and I am here, so yes, I can regain my life and do everything I’ve done so far, “said Wilkes.

According to doctors, this treatment may be effective in treating cancers such as colon cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer.

Copyright 2022WSAZ. all rights reserved.




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