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Denver will move to a higher COVID-19 community level, CDC says

Denver will move to a higher COVID-19 community level, CDC says


Denver – According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the city and county of Denver are currently areas of high prevalence of the new coronavirus.

CDC COVID-19 Integrated County View Map On Thursday, Denver, along with the Boulder, Bloomfield, Jefferson, Arapaho, and Douglas counties, showed high levels of virus infection as of Thursday.

Latest data from CDC Denver reported 350.1 new COVID-19 hospitalizations per 100,000 people. This is the metric that the CDC uses to classify the risk levels of a particular community.

Under the high COVID-19 community level, the CDC recommends that people mask indoors (If possible use a high quality mask like KN95 or N95), Get the latest information on the COVID-19 vaccine and get tested if you start to have cold-like symptoms. People at high risk of serious illness with COVID-19 should consider taking additional precautions.

The Denver Department of Public Health and Environment (DDPHE) provides a city-wide mask mandate to prevent the continued unchecked spread of the highly infectious BA.2.12.1, BA.4, and BA.5 sub-strains Omicron. It is unknown at this time whether it will be implemented.Mutant As I did in the pastBecause hospitalization does not seem to have risen to a level that overwhelms the healthcare system.

It is also unclear whether other metropolitan counties will work together to implement more protection to prevent the spread of the virus. They did at the end of last year, When Omicron first appeared in Colorado. Denver7 contacted DDPHE and asked if they would take safeguards to protect public health, but did not respond by the deadline.

Epidemiologists around the world find that spreading the virus unchecked without setting an NPI (such as mask requirements and social distance measurements) causes more dangerous mutations in the virus, making it a long-term economic for the community. Raised concerns that it could have an impact. It is possible that a significant portion of the population will develop Long COVID.

According to some studies, BA.2.12.1 – the most prevalent version of Omicron in Colorado today – is estimated to be about 1.2 to 1.5 times more infectious than BA.1, experts say. We believe that infectivity leads to greater antigenic escape from vaccination or previous infections. Little is known about how serious BA.2.12.1 is, but studies suggest that it is similar to the original Omicron variant in terms of pathogenicity, vaccine efficacy, and antigenic escape. increase.

The BA.4 and BA.5 substrains are more than four times more likely to escape the antibodies of vaccinated and boosted individuals than the BA.2 virus. Health expert told CNN.. Currently, there are no signs that they are more severe compared to previous Omilcon strains, According to ECDC..

“Although there are generally increasing cases, we believe that resistance to COVID-19 is strong across the state, with significantly smaller peaks in the coming weeks than are currently seen in some regions. It is within the range of modeling estimates that produce a recent wave. ” A Colorado Public Health and Environment Department spokesman told Denver 7 in a statement late Thursday afternoon.

As of June 5, Denver had an average 7-day positive rate of 11.7%. According to city data – Now that local testing sites have been severely shut down, more and more people are relying on COVID-19 testing at home, which is more than double the value recommended by health professionals to control viral infections. ..

According to the CDC, several other Colorado counties have also reported high levels of COVID-19 infection. They include the counties of Rio Branco, Garfield, Pitkin, Ouray, San Miguel, San Juan and La Plata.




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