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Canadian monkeypox: 112 cases reported

Canadian monkeypox: 112 cases reported



Canada’s Chief Public Health Director said there were 112 cases of monkeypox throughout Canada on Friday, all of which were male.

There are 98 cases in Quebec, 9 cases in Ontario, 4 cases in Alberta, 1 case in British Columbia, and other suspicious cases are being investigated, Dr. Teresatam told the briefing.

According to Tam, the National Advisory Board on Immunity recommends vaccination of people at high risk of exposure.

But she said no mass vaccination campaign against the virus is currently needed.

Tam said the “main goal” was to prevent the outbreak from spreading or becoming established in Canada. “This means that the chain of transmission is stopped rapidly.”

According to Tam, the disease primarily extends from close physical contact, including intimate sexual contact, or exposure to scabs, mucous membranes, fluids, and even bed linen.

Currently, most cases are found in men who have stated that they have had sexual contact with other men, but the virus spreads to infected individuals and those who have close physical contact with “contaminated objects” such as blankets. There is a possibility.

“I want to remind you that monkeypox is not limited to just one community.”

Public health officials said efforts are being made in the state of the case to raise awareness of the community at risk of infection.

She advised doctors and other healthcare professionals to be “alert” on the symptoms of the virus, including the rash, whether or not someone traveled abroad.

Monkeypox is commonly found in West Africa and Central Africa, but is now found all over the world, including the United Kingdom.

Genomic sequencing suggests that cases in Canada are associated with global outbreaks, according to Tam.

She said all cases were men aged 20-63 years and “the majority reported having sexual contact with men.”

She advised to contact local public health authorities for advice if she discovers a new rash or sore after sexual activity, or if she has personal contact with another person.

Ottawa Public Health confirmed on Friday that the virus had reached the capital. In a statement, a case of monkeypox was confirmed in the resident, but the individual is now recovering. He added that it followed up on their close contact.

Quebec has the most cases in Canada and is beginning to provide vaccines to those who have been in close contact with infected people.

Monkeypox belongs to the same viral family as smallpox, and vaccines against smallpox have been proven to be effective against monkeypox.

According to Tam, the National Advisory Board on Immunity has “individuals at high risk” for possible or confirmed cases of monkeypox, or situations in which infection can occur within 4 days. We advise you to provide a single dose of the Imvamune vaccine.

She added that local health officials were aware of “a mini-super-spreader event with many close contacts, including sexual contact,” and “cooperated with these facilities.”

Because the goal is to prevent further spread of the virus and contact tracing is difficult, local health agencies in areas with outbreaks have focused on contacting these settings to prevent further infections. Was there.

According to Tam, most contacts were due to close physical contact, but health officials were also investigating “potential respiratory pathways” or possible droplet-borne infections. ..

This report by Canadian Press was first published on June 10, 2022.




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