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Bird flu confirmed in western UP: Cases found in Ontonagon, Gogebic County | News, Sports, Work

Bird flu confirmed in western UP: Cases found in Ontonagon, Gogebic County | News, Sports, Work


Photo courtesy of: Michigan Allied Poultry Industries Inc. A flock of turkeys is shown. Both wild birds and poultry are affected by bird flu.

Ontonagon — The first two local cases of bird flu were confirmed on Friday, the Western Upper Peninsula Health Department announced.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza was detected in eagle in Gogebic County and American white pelican in Ontonagon County. According to WUPHD, no sick person was found.

“The Western Upper Peninsula Health Department needs to share this information and take precautions and recommended precautions for people who own or use birds, including poultry, or who are hunting wild birds. I warn you that there is. “ WUP HD said in the release. “If poultry and eggs are properly handled and cooked, bird flu is not a food safety concern.”

The virus can infect both wild birds and poultry, as well as mammals.

As of Monday, 117 animals were tested positive in Michigan.

Birds make up almost everything, including 40 bald eagles. HPAI spreads easily among birds. In rare cases, it can spread to humans, WUPHD said. Non-bird cases in Michigan include eight red foxes and one coyote.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, public health risks remain low.

Counting positives on Friday, there were 11 cases in 9 UP counties, all birds.

The outbreak of HPAI is widespread throughout the country. However, while the cases of wild birds continue throughout Michigan, the state has been more than 30 days old without a poultry diagnosis.

In response to that milestone, the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development canceled the poultry and wildlife exhibition on Monday.

“The state was able to reach this very important benchmark, but this does not mean that the virus has left Michigan.” The state veterinarian Nora Winelands said in a news release. “HPAI continues to be detected in wild birds throughout the state, but this is not unexpected because the virus is known to be carried by wild birds. Poultry because the virus is still present in the environment. It is still important for their owners and caretakers to take all possible steps to protect their herds. “

MDARD has recommended some essential precautions to protect human and animal health.

• Prevent bird and wild bird contact by bringing poultry and wild birds indoors or by completely sealing the outdoor area.

• Wash your hands before and after handling birds and when moving between different huts.

• Disinfect boots and other gear as you move between sheds.

• Do not share equipment or other supplies between huts or other farms.

Cleans and disinfects equipment and other equipment between uses. If it cannot be disinfected, dispose of it.

• Use well water or tap water as drinking water for birds.

• Keep poultry feed safe and keep feed / feed ingredients out of contact with wild birds and rodents.

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources has also issued a recommendation to temporarily remove bird feeders this year to curb the spread of HPAI on both wild birds and poultry. If people continue to use bird feeders, they need to do the following:

• Thoroughly wash (and rinse well) the bird feeder with a diluted bleach solution once a week. Regular cleaning helps protect the bird from other infections, including Salmonella.

• Clean bird species that have fallen under the feeder to prevent large numbers of birds and other wildlife from gathering in concentrated areas.

• Avoid feeding wild birds, especially waterfowl, near herds of livestock.

When exposed to an infected bird, the individual should be monitored for influenza symptoms for 10 days from the last contact with the bird. Similar to human seasonal influenza illness, avian influenza virus can be treated with influenza antiviral drugs. The sooner these medicines are given, the more effective they are. If you suspect you may be ill, please contact WUPHD (906-482-7382).

Domestic bird owners and caretakers should be aware of abnormal deaths, reduced spawning, significantly reduced water consumption, or increased sick birds. If you suspect bird flu in your poultry, contact MDARD (800-292-3939 (daytime) or 517-373-0440 (out of business hours)) immediately.

If you notice an abnormal or unexplained death in a wild bird population, choose to use DNR eyes in the field app or report these cases to DNR. “Sick wildlife” Select an option from the observation form options or call the DNR Institute for Wildlife Diseases (517-336-5030).

To see the current status of HPAI in Michigan, visit the michigan / gov / birdflu and Natural Resources Department pages ( please.

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