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When a cat bites a catnip, it releases mosquito repellent chemicals

When a cat bites a catnip, it releases mosquito repellent chemicals


When cats lick or bite catnip or silver vine plants, higher levels of iridoid chemicals that repel insects are released.


June 14, 2022

A cute little white cat that smells like a catnip plant that blooms outdoors in the backyard.  Shutterstock ID 2005145579; Order:-; Job:-; Client:-; Other:-

Catnip Cat sniffing plants

Nils Jacobi / Shutterstock

By chewing and spitting Catnip And silver vine leaves, cats cause higher concentrations Natural insect repellent It suggests possible reasons for strange behaviors released from plants and induced in cats.

Both catnip (Nepeta Cataria) And Silver Vine (Actinidia polygama) Produces chemicals from a group called iridoids that repel mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, and possibly other insects and mites.

Most cats, on the other hand, are intoxicated with the scent and often lick, chew, or rub their bodies.

Masao Miyazaki Iwate University in Japan and his colleagues wondered why cats respond to these reactions.Last year, when they rub their heads with the leaves of these plants, they actually Coated with nepetalactol, An iridoid compound that repels mosquitoes.

But scientists were still curious about why cats bite and spit out leaves. Cats swallow very little catnip and silver vines that they lick and chew, so I suspected that swallowing plants would have no medicinal properties.

The torn and crumpled catnip and silver vine noticed a much stronger odor, and the team decided to test the concentration of iridoids in the leaves that were crushed by the cat’s mouth or crumpled by human hands. ..

Miyazaki says that the damaged leaves of catnip farmed plants released 20 times more iridoids into the atmosphere than the undamaged leaves. Emissions from wild Actinidia polygama were 10 times higher when cats chewed leaves and up to 40 times higher when chopped by humans, but the reason for the difference is still unknown.

Between the two plants, the damaged catnip released about 40 times more iridoid into the same space than the damaged silver vine. However, Miyazaki says silver vines contain a wider variety of iridoids than catnip, which seems to make up for low concentrations.

Releases from both plants effectively repelled the young female Aedes albopictus (Aedes albopictusIn the laboratory, all eight test cats were equally rubbed, licked and rolled with a perforated plastic box filled with either catnip or a silver vine.

The findings suggest that damaged plants can provide effective mosquito repellents for everyone, not just cats, Miyazaki said, after rubbing with damaged silver vine leaves himself. Added that he did not bite his arm.

However, this study does not prove that repelling insects is the reason for cat behavior – it may just be a coincidence.

Journal reference: iScience , DOI: 10.1016 / j.isci.2022.104455

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