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The child’s immune system weakened after the blockade of COVID

The child’s immune system weakened after the blockade of COVID


Doctors warn that children are becoming infected with up to three different viruses at the same time after the immune system has been destroyed by the widespread blockade of COVID-19.

At Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital in Connecticut A staggering number was reported Percentage of young patients with cases of adenovirus, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), human metapneumovirus, influenza, and parainfluenza in addition to COVID-19. The Washington Post reported..

According to Thomas Murray, an infection control expert and associate professor of pediatrics at Yale University, some children were hospitalized with the two viruses and several were hospitalized with the three viruses at the same time.

“It’s not typical at any time of the year, and certainly not in May and June,” Murray told The Washington Post.

While winters are expected to increase in the case of influenza and severe colds, experts say warm summer months do not see the same reduction in illness as in previous years.

Children in the class wearing masks
“I see the virus behave very strangely,” said one doctor.
Getty Images / iStockphoto

in the meantime Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) It shows a low overall level of influenza infection in infants, but despite the warm climate, there has been a significant increase in the past few weeks.

Healthcare professionals believe this could be a direct result of the strict pandemic regulations that the world received in 2020 and 2021. This is because exposure did not give them the opportunity to build immunity to common viruses.

“All these decisions have consequences,” Murray told The Washington Post.

“”This is a large-scale natural experiment, “added Michael Mina, an epidemiologist and chief science officer at the digital health platform eMed.

In addition, medical experts told The Washington Post that they are worried that the virus may be rampant in children because they missed primary care and non-COVID-19 vaccinations throughout the pandemic. rice field.

“I’ve never seen the flu season in the United States last June,” said another Yale University medical expert, Dr. Scott Roberts. I told CNBC last week.. “COVID obviously had a huge impact on it.”

“Now that people are unmasking and the place is open, we’re seeing the virus behave very strangely,” he added.

Annual trend Like influenza, RSV usually shows a slowdown during warmer months, but this year no such trend was detected.

Other symptoms, such as monkeypox and tuberculosis, have sneaked up in the past few weeks due to increased attention to COVID-19 prevention.

Doctors are concerned that some viruses may be rampant in children because they missed primary care throughout the pandemic.
Doctors are concerned that some viruses may be rampant in children because they missed primary care throughout the pandemic.
Getty Images / iStockphoto

“If you have a lot of people without immunity, the effects of the seasons will be less. It’s like free domination,” Mina said, and the virus can result in “overcoming seasonal barriers.” He added that he could.




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