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Severe covid-19 symptoms associated with over 1300 genetic variants

Severe covid-19 symptoms associated with over 1300 genetic variants


Hundreds of genetic variants can affect the risk of becoming severe with covid-19. This is a discovery that can lead to more targeted treatments and tests that assess the potential for complications in a person.


June 14, 2022

Laboratory genetic testing

Laboratory genetic testing

Haydar Dogramaci / Getty Images

Over 1000 genes can contribute to the risk of severe onset COVID-19In addition to living environment such as age, ethnicity and health.

Most of the genes found in more than a million studies affect the function of two types of immune cells.

Once the results are confirmed, they say they can inform tests to assess the risk of getting severely ill with covid-19. Jonathan Cooper-Knock At the University of Sheffield, UK.

“We know that there are young people who are otherwise healthy and terrible covids,” he says. “We are trying to reach a genetic determinant that puts people at risk, regardless of what is more obvious.”

Cooper-Knock’s team uses artificial intelligence to Covid-19 Host Genetics InitiativeA genetics project run by a group of researchers and companies.

The team investigated which genetic variation was more common in about 5,100 people. Death or respiratory assistance required for covid-19Compared to about 1.4 million people who have never tested positive for infectious diseases. None of the participants were vaccinated against covid-19.

They discovered 1370 gene mutations associated with the severity of covid-19, and when collated with two similar datasets, these same mutations reappeared.

According to the team, these variants accounted for three-quarters of the participants’ genetic risk to severe covid-19, and the remaining one-quarter was unknown.

Next, we collated information and results on which genes are normally active in 19 types of cells in healthy lungs. This is because immune cells are called natural killer cells, T cells It is important in controlling whether covid-19 becomes severe.

Cooperknock says the prototype needs to be further tested before turning the results into a commercial genetic assay. “We sequence [participants] Assign them to risk groups to make predictions before they become covid-19. “

If you have vaccine protection, genetic susceptibility is less relevant, so such tests may not be more accurate when used in vaccinated people, he said. increase James Davis At Oxford University in the UK, who was not involved in the study.

Nonetheless, he says, the findings shed light on the mechanisms involved in severe covid-19 that may lead to new therapies. “The main importance is to identify new treatment options.”

Journal reference: Cell system, DOI: 10.1016 / j.cels.2022.05.007

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